Saturday, April 14, 2012

Types of Awareness Ribbons

By the tube of time awareness ribbons got more popular, and now numerous awareness ribbons are available as people have to look for an elegant way to gain the attention of people and highlight issues that concern them most. In this record I am presenting some of the customary awareness ribbons along with the cause they are linked with.

Ribbon Colors For Cancer Awareness

Gray Ribbon

Awareness ribbons such as gray ribbon is an international symbol for Diabetes awareness, Brain Cancer, Asthma and as a political statement. Sometimes, it is also used for Vote annulations.

Pink Ribbon

Pink Ribbon represents a symbol of breast cancer awareness. The pink ribbon expresses the moral preserve for women suffering from or suffered with breast cancer.

Silver Ribbon

Silver ribbon is a straightforward way to express combined interests of peoples affected from Brain disability or Brain disorders. Usually Silver ribbon is used to aware peoples about the need for governmental support, communal preserve and emotional preserve with these individuals.

Autism Ribbon

The Autism ribbon has been used to raise the awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder. These are used to wear with shirts, pins and on car bumper as well.

Green Ribbon

The green ribbon represents a symbol of Bipolar Disorder, Hiv/Aids Testing, Lymphoma, Cerebral Palsy, Celiac Disease, Gastro paresis, Kidney Cancer and sometimes for legalized forms of pornography and sexual content.

Pink & Blue Ribbon

Awareness ribbons such as pink and blue ribbon are symbols for promoting reproduction and child Loss, Genital integrity, Male breast cancer awareness, Male testicular cancer awareness and also for Pro-life views to intact dilation and extraction.

Teal Ribbon

The Teal ribbon is worn to raise awareness about Ovarian cancer, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Gynecological cancer, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Myasthenia Gravis awareness and sometimes for Sexual Violence awareness and support. Teal ribbons are also used for Tsunami Victims support, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia awareness, Batten Disease and Anti-bullying.

Light Blue Ribbon

Light blue ribbon represents a symbol Prostate Cancer support, Behcet's Disease, Addison's disease and for Lymphedema.

Purple Ribbon

A purple ribbon is worn as a symbol to raise discrete causes, such as; Eating Disorder Awareness, Pulmonary hypertension, Thyroid cancer, Overdose Prevention, Fibromyalgia, Domestic violence, Pediatric stroke, Macular degeneration, Epilepsy, Pancreatic cancer, Wildland Firefighters, Crohn's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Animal abuse, Ulcerative Colitis, Lupus, Huntington's disease, Proportional representation voting principles for Uk elections, Gastrointestinal cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Xenophobia and Homophobia (Austria 2009), Homelessness, Religious tolerance and Victims of 9/11

White Ribbon

White ribbon represents distinct meanings which are depended on the context. For instance, if we mixed it with other colors it represents political movement to speak on their profit for a confident cause. Sometimes these are represented on garments, posters and on leaflets. White ribbon also represents the Woman's proprietary and it also adopted by Woman's Christian Temperance Union in 1873. It also a non-sectarian organizations and uses bow rather than "remembrance" which they think symbolizes purity.

Red Ribbon

Like White Ribbon, the red ribbon has distinct meanings depending on the context. These awareness ribbons are mostly known for solidarity with peoples suffering from Aids. Red Ribbon also represents the drug stoppage awareness, tobacco uses and Alcoholic effects on society.

Yellow Ribbon

The Yellow Ribbon is a symbol of Freedom. It also supports forces in missions, show solidarity with peoples affected from riots and chaos. In Japan, it is used in Medal of Honor which represents the acknowledgment towards the professionals those become role model to the society. Yellow Ribbon also known as a symbol of press free time and it's also used to laid out suicide awareness. In Usa, it is a symbol of preserve for the hostages which were held by Iran in U.S embassy.

Orange Ribbon

In Tibet, Orange Ribbon is an Icon of human right awareness. These are also worn to laid out United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In few other countries, an Orange ribbon is a symbol of Harmony day and Cultural Diversity. Orange Ribbon is also a symbol of Racial Tolerance as well.

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