Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Top Causes Of Premature Aging

It is advised that prevention is the key to avoiding premature aging. That is why it is a must to take good care of our skin while we are younger. an additional one thing that you should remember is that you need to be aware of what causes it. There are a lot of causes that can lead to this dilemma.

Cancer Awareness

The Top Causes Of Premature Aging

1. Lack of Sleep

Have you ever wondered why your skin looks so lifeless and unattractive by staying up all night with only a few hours of sleep? Stress and lack of sleep makes your body yield more cortisol than normal. It will also hasten the gravidity of free radicals. This hormone breaks down collagen and elastin, the key elements in production your skin smooth, supple, salutary and youthful.

To preclude this from happening, make sure that you comprise some foods that are useful for the immune system. Antioxidant face creams, serums can also help in maintaining the integrity of your skin. Also, don't forget to get a good night's sleep.

2. Sugar Overload

For population who have such a sweet tooth, having too much of a good thing can be honestly bad. Too much sugar in the body can be a cause for skin aging. Excess sugar in the system creates a process called "glycation", which is a bonding process in the middle of fats, proteins and sugar. This process occurs within the tissues, which thereby causes muscle inflexibility, inflammation and the yield of free radicals.

If you are want to get your sugar fix, try opting for a few pieces of dark chocolate, or low sugar fruits. You don't honestly need to give up on sweets. You just need to consume it in moderation.

3. Sun Exposure

The sun is one of the biggest sources of skin aging. Photoaging is the skin's aging reaction to continued exposure to the sun. This results in wrinkled, discolored skin, as well as tightened and stretched lips.

If you want to avoid these signs of skin aging, all the time apply sunscreen before you head out. Try to avoid exposure while peak hours where the heat of the sun's rays are at its highest. Use an umbrella if you can. If you are going to sunbathe, apply thick amounts of sunscreen with an Spf of 30 and above. Not doing so will also make you at risk for skin cancer.

4. Dry Skin

If you have super dry skin, it is recommended to hydrate yourself from the inside out. Growth your water intake and also comprise a good moisturizer into your daily skin routine. Choose one that is targeted for your skin type and climate.

As our age increases, it also shows on our faces. However, most of us would be upset if population would say that we look older than our age. Maintaining teenage skin can take some work but prevention is all the time best than cure.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Skin Damage and What Could Be Speeding Up the Process

Many external causes considered by our lifestyle and the environment we expose ourselves to can be the culprit of damage to our skin. Manufacture unhealthy choices can prematurely age and damage our skin, Manufacture us look older, way before our time. Merely knowing what you may be doing or exposing yourself to cause this damage is an prominent part of the anti-aging fight. Here are 9 culprits to be aware of (and in some instances change) to wage war against the enemy:

Cancer Awareness

1. Cigarette smoking: direct, as well as, second hand smoke is damaging and aging to the skin. It dries out, ages, and wrinkles the skin 200 times faster than it does a non-smoker. It compares very closely to sun damage in its severity. One presume is that it depletes the body of Vitamin C, which is a key ingredient for keeping skin plump and moist. Hence, the millions of Vitamin C face and skin creams on the store today! They may help, but if you continue to smoke, the good will never outweigh the bad. Not to mention the toxins and free radicals that you are inhaling, while damaging your arteries and blood vessels--You must quit smoking!

2. Sun exposure: sun exposure is very aging and damaging to the skin. Burning the skin causes changes in its potential to safe you and furnish the body with nutrients needed for daily function. Too much sun also changes the skin's appearance; freckles turn to brown sunspots, and the skin takes on a dry, leathery look, with wrinkles and sagging increasing. Soon, the risk of skin cancer is significantly increased, and bigger problems could be on the horizon. Luckily, there are great sunscreens on the store that can safe you. Look for ones that guard against Uva and Uvb rays and an Spf of 15 or higher. Make sure you use it year-round, even on cloudy days. Clouds do not block ultraviolet ray exposure.

3. Lack of exercise: regular exercise, at any age, keeps muscles toned and blood flowing. It also requires that you consume more water, (exercise hopefully makes you thirsty) and more water cleanses and hydrates the cells, potentially keeping them from drying out as fast. regular exercise also stirs up wholesome endorphins and maintains a wholesome body weight. Feeling good and finding good shows on your face!

4. Temperature exposure: cold winds, low temperature, and overly heated rooms all lead to the aging process by Manufacture the skin dry. A good moisturizer and a humidifier can sell out the damage significantly.

5. Alcohol use: alcohol use damages and promotes premature aging by dilating small blood vessels in the skin and expanding blood flow near the skin's surface. Alcohol also dehydrates the cells. After continued use, these blood vessels can become enduringly damaged, creating a flushed appearance and giving a spider vein look to the skin's surface. Many alcoholics have rosy cheeks, or at least get them when drinking.

6. Stress: stress causes hormone responses and many of them have a negative succeed on the skin. Adrenalin and epinephrine are two such hormones. They cause the body to ramp up, creating a fight-or-flight response, and if these are overused can cause free radical development, which triggers damage to cells, which can trigger the body to age faster. continued stress also causes anxiety and depression, these prominent to sadness and sometimes illness. Frown lines and wrinkles from a sad, depressed face are no joke! Have you noticed how our Presidents age right before our eyes while in office---stress got them. We can fight stress by exercising, meditation, and by using freedom techniques. We can also eliminate the cause of the stress to begin with, if possible.

7. Lack of Sleep: the lack of sleep adds to stress, depression, and the loss of interest in daily activities. This is usually because you are too tired to do anything. Dark circles and sagging skin under the eyes are some of the physical signs you are sleep deprived. Decree to get 8-9 hours of sleep each night, avoid caffeine after your morning cup, and keep a regular sleep routine. You'll feel good and have the energy you need to articulate a healthier lifestyle.

8. Age: Nothing you can turn about this one! Just hope as you age, you have followed the previous suggestions and you look like you have beaten the clock!

9. Pollutants: The air we breathe is increasingly dirtier and more harmful. All the pollutants, exhaust, smoke, etc in the air doesn't make for a wholesome environment. There isn't much we can do personally, since we aren't going to walk colse to with a mask over our nose and mouth; but we do need to be aware of the harm it causes. Busier cities and more traffic cause exposure to more air pollutants, which in turn, cause you to inhale more damaging toxins, causing more free radical movement and development in the body. Less trees colse to to clean the air leaves smog. Exiguous house on the prairie isn't an option, right? So, not much you can do, except move!

Chronological aging is inevitable, but being aware of the culprits of premature aging is the key to winning the war. Take care to surround yourself with an anti-aging environment, and institution an anti-aging lifestyle. You'll be so thankful you did!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Is Insomnia Harming Your Immune System?

I recently heard a celebrity physician say seven hours of sleep per night is ideal and if we get more than that we are shortening our life spans. Then, this week I read an article in a health journal advising eight hours of sleep for optimal health. Obviously there are conflicting viewpoints about how much sleep will help us heal, remain healthy, and possibly extend our lives.

Cancer Awareness

Some habitancy can get six to seven hours of sleep, apparently function well all day, and continue on without fatigue, while others feel tired, looked tired, are foggy-minded, and generally irritable after the same amount. It is the latter group that needs to be aware of their own well-being, because these are the ones who will first come down with a cold or flu, their body unable to fully recuperate straight through sleep.

By knowing and honoring our own ideal sleep rhythm, we are great qualified to remain salutary and avoid not only infections that might be going around, but more serious diseases. Stanford University psychiatrist David Spiegel, Md, reviewed studies and noted a correlation between sleep-regulated hormones melatonin and cortisol, and cancer. Cortisol helps regulate the immune system response, while melatonin may have an antioxidant ensue on cells, which can preclude the damage that can lead to cancer.

There are several other links between sleep deprivation and immunity, so what are we to do if we know we aren't getting the sleep we need? It's helpful to begin with a few basic questions about your own true "sleep nature."

Think back to when you were a child and remind yourself of your own sleep cycle. On weekends, would you stay up late and sleep in the next day? Or were you falling asleep in front of the television by 9:00 and waking early the following morning? Many of us have had to convert our true sleep rhythm in order to get along in life, and it's worth getting in touch with it again.

Are you at your best while the day if you go to bed by 10:00pm, or, can you stay up past midnight and feel great the next day?
If given a choice, would you rise with the sun or sleep late into the morning?
Is your power highest in the morning? Or does it increase in the evening?
How sensitive are you to judgment around sleep patterns? For example, do you hear commentary from a society that says you should not be ready for bed as early as 9:00pm, but you shouldn't stay in bed very late in the morning either?
Do you like to take naps?
Do you like to be up doing things in the middle of the night?
At what time while the day do you get a lull in your energy?

Becoming more well-known with your personal sleep nature can help you accept the way your own body wants to rest. And it does want to rest, very deeply, because this is when it heals itself, rejuvenates and recharges, and mends what needs mending. I believe the best, most renewing sleep happens when you are in sync and mindful of your natural sleep traits, the ones that truly suits you. possibly it is easy to lose sight of what they are because of the structured work and school day. But if you've had lowered immunity, it's completely allowable to adjust your schedule to honor yourself and your rhythm.

There are many holistic ways to get to sleep without the use of drugs and other artificial methods. The following suggestions have worked for many people, even while times of intense stress.

• Be sure to get enough magnesium and calcium, in allowable balance, straight through a source or supplement that is food-based, not synthetic. This will help calm your nervous system.
• L-theanine is an amino acid that calms the mind. Studies have shown it to help habitancy sleep better, if not requisite longer.
• Adaptogens such as ashwaganda help reduce cortisol levels to lessen stress and help you sleep. I would get this straight through a licensed practitioner so the right dose can be considered for you.
• Calms Forte is a homeopathic remedy that can help calm the nerves and induce sleep without the heavy feeling of sleeping pills. It can be found in any natural food store.
• Drink chamomile tea in the evening.
• Walk daily, if only for 20-minutes.
• Avoid caffeine while the day, or drink green tea, but only in the mornings.
• Calm your mind and spirit in the evenings by turning off the computer, telephone, and television at least an hour before bedtime.
• Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
• At the end of the day, write down your thoughts, feelings, worries, and concerns to get them out of your head and down on paper.
• Clear your bedroom of clutter, together with computers and electronics.
• remove papers and extra books from your nightstand.
• Stop answering the phone or having attractive conversations in the evenings if it activates your mind too much.
• Meditate before bed or read a novel to relax and clear your mind from the day.

If you still don't sleep well straight through the night after you have tried these, see an acupuncturist, herbalist, naturopath, homeopath, or holistic practitioner to assist you so you can come back into balance, sleep soundly, and keep your immunity strong.

Berry Supplements Bursting With health Benefits Gaining Popularity surrounded by Consumers

Berry aficionados are already aware that berries that are dark red, blue and purple taste great. But what most of these habitancy don't know is that these berries have a unique nutritional profile and comprise a range of flavonoids that are known to benefit one's condition in numerous ways.

Cancer Awareness

Typically, berries comprise high amounts of Vitamin C, along with other vitamins and minerals such as calcium and potassium, including a good ration of fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. Because berries are high in nutrition and low in caloric value with no fat, they are very beloved among consumers not only as fruit juices, but as functional foods as well. Moreover, due to their high antioxidant potency, berries are used in manufacturing a collection of nutritional supplements.

Popular Berries and Supportive Research

While some berries are beloved because of their exotic history, savvier consumers look for products whose ingredients are backed by credible research and will meet their exact condition needs. Below is a list of beloved berries that you may want to think using in your products depending on the condition needs of your customers:

The anthocyanins in blueberries are known to have a positive corollary on neuronal and brain functions, specifically memory. They also help regulate wholesome glucose levels. Some tests in animals have shown blueberries to have anti-obesity and anti-diabetic properties. Grapes, thought about to be berries, are beneficial for protecting cardiovascular health, regulating normal blood pressure and help in the supervision of normal glycemic levels. Chokeberries also help regulate normal glycemic levels and insulin control. They also maintain digestive health. Acai berries are rich in antioxidants. Not much research has been done on these berries but because of its high antioxidant strength, it is known to be a good anti-aging agent, perhaps alleviating oxidative stress caused by fat in the diet. Sufficient data from some research studies show that goji berries possess anti-aging properties and they help prevent neuronal loss in neurodegenerative disease. Bilberry is known to maintain eye health, especially against age-related macular eye disease. Anthocyanins and anti-cancer phytochemicals have been found in raspberries. Cranberries have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that promote urinary condition (especially in women) and the arresting of dental plaque. Elderberries have anti-viral properties Pomegranates are technically thought about to be a many-seeded berry. They have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that maintain heart condition and may inhibit the growth of positive types of cancer. Flavonoids, in single anthocyanins, work in the body to comfort oxidative stress in distinct organs of the body. Agreeing to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2008), there is fabulous evidence to recommend the antioxidants in berry extracts may be able to safe against positive types of cancers. Among berries, the maqui berry is touted to have the highest antioxidant value.

Manufacturing quality Berry Supplements

Berry supplements offer consumers a clinically high dose of antioxidants and phytochemicals, an intake which is supported by research and cannot be achieved through diet alone. In addition, berry supplements do not comprise fructose, found in fresh juices, and therefore comprise wee to no calories.

Berries can be manufactured as stand-alone supplements containing a clinically wholesome dose of one single berry or, a combination of multiple berries can be mixed to furnish consumers with an discrete spectrum of health-touting benefits along with a high Orac value. Formulators, however, must ensure that active ingredients, when mixed together will not be adulterated or changed during the manufacturing process. Tablets, capsules and ready to mix powders are the more beloved delivery forms for berry supplements amongst consumers.

Use a Gmp-Certified Berry Supplement Manufacturer

Considering the wide collection of berry options and the diverse condition benefits they potentially provide, there are a estimate of berry supplements that you can produce that can help meet the exact condition needs of your customers. Once you know what type of berry product you would like to manufacture, the next step is seeing the right firm to produce it for you.

Partnering with a reputable, Gmp certified builder like Nutricap Labs will ensure that the products you sell to your customers are of the highest quality and will meet their condition needs. You may ask a free quote or sense one of their product advisors to learn more about their berry supplement manufacturing services.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

An Inspirational Mesothelioma Success Story - How We Are Proving This Deadly Cancer Is Beatable

There are countless books & stories online of how habitancy have beaten all types of cancer without the need for orthodox treatments, yet stories of success against mesothelioma remain relatively rare & hard to come by. This is the main presuppose for sharing our experiences & success, in the hope of reaching the attention of those who need to know that mesothelioma by no means has to be the equivalent of their death sentence.

Cancer Awareness

The main cause of mesothelioma relates to exposure to asbestos, with 1 in 10 habitancy having old asbestos exposure at some time later in life developing pleural mesothelioma. Around 80% of all habitancy diagnosed with mesothelioma can recall being exposed to asbestos at some time in their lives & it is the nearnessy of these asbestos fibres within the body which makes this such an aggressive form of cancer & a involved one to beat.

Anyone who has themselves been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or who may be supporting a loved one will be well aware that the medical diagnosis is not good. The median life expectancy from diagnosis is Around 9-18 months, with a sharp decline in condition & ability of life to be expected. As far as the presuppose for this disease taking a hold so many years after asbestos exposure remains somewhat of a mystery, possibly a decline in the strength of the immune law or inescapable nutrients within the body which assist in the security of our cells, which comes with age? A fairly likely explanation, yet how come so many habitancy who have worked daily with asbestos over such a long duration of time never construct mesothelioma, when others whose caress with asbestos may have only been brief end up developing this deadly disease? Are those who do not get mesothelioma plainly lucky, or healthier than those who do? Well in my understanding the fundamental causes here run far deeper than medical comprehension & whilst it is possible that lifestyle factors may play a big role in the cause, we must consider that everything happens for a presuppose in this life & as for the outcome, well there is always a choice.

Just because one person (your oncologist) tells you this is how your life is now going to be & that you must accept this & put in order for what lies ahead, such as booking into a home etc. Does not mean that this has to be the case. Even if you go get a second, third or even fourth understanding from other doctors - remember they all studied from the same textbooks, so to speak. They may well deal with habitancy every day in similar circumstances but they too are likely to only be as good as what these habitancy tell them, they do not know where else to turn. The answers you seek do exist; they just lie elsewhere & are in fact far simpler than most habitancy would care to believe.

Our story

Our story began on the 11th February 2010, when the obscuring over what was literally wrong with my Dad came to a close. He had gone to the doctors a while before having had difficulty breathing & after being referred for supplementary tests & scans had already been wrongly diagnosed twice. The first suspicion was lung cancer, but then they called him in & revealed that the increase was in fact in front of his lung & so posed much less of a threat as it should be much easier to treat. We, as his house had raised hopes, only for them to be crushed beyond belief. As all those in similar situations will well know, this is the most harrowing time, to gawk that the person or one of the habitancy you love most in this world & have so much respect for is to face such a horrific & tragic end. It just does not seem right or fair in any way whatsoever, plus it always seems to be the good habitancy in the world that such things happen to. My Dad has always been very successful, worked hard all his life & most of all his house are the world to him, he would truly do anything for us, yet we were supposed to stand back & just watch him suffer until he became roughly helpless. "I don't think so!" After a week or so of being completely inconsolable, my anguish turned to determination. I became sure that there were answers out there somewhere, I just had to find them somehow & so I got to work. I spent full days, for weeks on end reading & learning all about cancer from varied perspectives & in general at cellular level & combined this with my own spiritual comprehension & advice to gain an comprehension of how this could be overcome. In the meantime my Dad had decided to go with the hint of his oncologist for a policy of chemotherapy, a decision which he would come to regret somewhat. Apart from the awful suffering he had to endure as part of the side effects of this treatment, it was completely unsuccessful & had no corollary whatsoever on the increase of his tumour. After all he had been through this news left him feeling very down & depressed & in acceptance of what was to become his fate. To make matters worse fluid was construction up on his lungs manufacture him fell very tired & breathless & poorly. He was admitted to hospital for the removal of the fluid & at this point was in a very bad way. They removed 3 litres of fluid from his left lung & for the week following the policy he was in immense pain & was unable to leave his hospital bed; it was a terrible time for us all as it was such an awful thing to witness. I think that having gone through all this was what made my Dad turn the corner; he had had enough pain & more than enough suffering now & was prepared to try anything if it meant he did not have to go through any more. The week after he came home from the hospital he began the protocol I had designed for him & the revising began roughly immediately.

The fundamental law to success

Although mesothelioma, due to the nearnessy of asbestos fibres in whichever area of the body where the cancer is located, is slightly more involved than other types of cancer; it is still cancer & cancer cells of any kind function in the same way. They need a supportive environment in which to survive, they are alive & all living things can survive only in inescapable conditions, when these necessities for survival are removed, they will perish. It is rather like a plant; you put the plant in a finished cupboard, therefore denying it of sunlight & it will get weaker, even if you still water it, it cannot survive without sunlight as this provides a source of energy which the plant converts to chlorophyll. This is the process which enables the plant to function at optimal condition & therefore allowing it to thrive.

Both healthy cells & cancer cells need to yield energy to survive, they just happen to have perfect opposite methods in achieving this. A healthy cell is aerobic, it uses oxygen to yield energy; a cancer cell in anaerobic & hates oxygen. Instead cancer cells yield energy through the intake of glucose. Already there is one clear formula emerging through which we can weaken the cancer cells & boost the operation of our healthy cells; starve the cancer cells of glucose & get oxygen to our cells.

We can literally starve cancer cells of glucose by not eating any sugar! In practice, however, this is slightly more involved than cutting out the two sugars in your coffee. everything you buy which is pre-packaged contains sugar, from ready meals to baked beans -Everything! anything such as fizzy drinks claiming to be sugar free should be avoided anyway for other reasons.

Cancer cells like high acidity levels, therefore foods which are acidic should also be avoided. The main area for obscuring here exists Around inescapable fruits, which may be loaded with cancer fighting nutrients, yet are acidic. My advice would be to cut out fruit for the first few weeks of your alternative rehabilitation plan & then introduce it gradually. Blueberries & pomegranates are good ones, as are all berries due to their antioxidant properties. Bananas must be completely avoided though. An uncostly way to neutralise the body's pH levels is to dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water & drink 1/2 hr. Before meals. Be true to ensure the baking soda you buy does not include aluminium.

The intake of cancer killing nutrients & the security of healthy cells can also be achieved to a large extent through diet. It is advisable to compliment the diet with inescapable supplements which will help replace the nutrients known to be deficient in mesothelioma sufferers & to help boost the immune system, as well as overall health. When choosing your supplements please be careful; many supplements man-made today are Genetically Modified, always try to find ones composed of completely natural ingredients. I have a list of recommended sources on my website.

It is vital that when attempting to beat mesothelioma, or any other type of cancer, that you are aware of everything you put into your body; it is whether fighting cancer or feeding it. It is therefore vital that a cancer diet is strictly adhered to. There are many interpretations of what habitancy consider to be the best foods to eat & avoid as part of the cancer diet, my advice would be to just be sensible about what you eat. Here are some basic guidelines to follow:

· No Sugar or artificial sweeteners - for the reasons mentioned above.

· Avoid acidic foods - the reasons for this I have already mentioned.

· No Dairy - There are a number of reasons for this; dairy yield is mucus forming & cancer cells love mucus, also the animals are injected/ fed with chemicals which enable them to yield milk all year round. (My Dad substitutes dairy with organic goat produce.)

· No Meat - A small organic chicken once per week is fine.

· No Bread - Contains sugar & yeast.

· Avoid Soya - Many condition experts are advising to avoid soya due to the discovery that it is Gm modified, in most cases.

· Eat Organic - I am sure most habitancy are aware of the dangers imposed on our condition through the use of pesticides & other additives for preservation purposes etc.

· Eat your Greens - Green, leafy vegetables are a good source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has so many benefits to our physical condition & our connection with spirituality.

· Eat raw - Most of us have heard about how cooking destroys many of the vital nutrients found in fruit & veg. Well this is true & even if a completely raw food diet does not appeal to you, try to at least achieve a grand intake of raw vegetables each day. The best way to do this is to buy a good ability juicer, preferably one which also juices grasses. Carrots, beetroot & asparagus make excellent ingredients for your juices.

· Grasses - Wheatgrass & Baleygrass have a vast array of benefits for fighting cancer & can be added to your raw vegetable juices for increased potency. I would also propose Chlorella Powder, as chlorella is the best source of chlorophyll that exists. In expanding to this it contains every singular nutrient in the human body in their natural form, its cells are roughly same to that of haemoglobin & it purifies the blood & is excellent for detoxification.

· Oils - Good ability oils such as extra virgin olive oil, not the quarterly cooking oils, can be used to dress salads & for cooking. They are an excellent source of good fat & are very good for those struggling with weight loss, as well as having varied other condition benefits.

The Budwig Diet

This should be an integral part of every cancer patient's regime & it has been used to cure many cancer patients, even many with just weeks left, thanks to the work of Dr. Joanna Budwig, who dedicated her life to medical habitancy with cancer through her discovery of the spectacular, benefits of organic cottage cheese & flax seed oil against this disease. She literally proved this formula to be productive against many, many other diseases as well & her life's work is still remembered & used by thousands of habitancy with varying conditions worldwide today. The Budwig diet is well known about in Germany, the birth country of Dr. Joanna Budwig, but is less ordinarily known of in other parts of the world.

Preparation instructions

You will need:

Organic cottage Cheese

Organic Flax Seed Oil

1 tsp Organic Honey



Spoon your organic cottage cheese into a blender & add the flax oil. The definite ratio for these ingredients is:

2 parts organic cottage cheese: 1 part organic flax seed oil

Add 1 tea spoon of organic honey to sweeten.

Blend for up to 5 mins. Or until the ring of oil has completely disappeared from round the edge.


Can be refrigerated to store.

Serving Suggestions: For a great cancer-fighting snack or dessert serve on a bed of fresh blueberries, raspberries or with dried acai berries.

The confidence factor

We have discussed about the importance of diet & nutrition, the next thing which is equally prominent is "Belief!"

I can understand that initially it may be very difficult to have every faith in the renovation of your health, especially given the outlook from your oncologist's perspective. I guarantee, though, that once you begin with your cancer diet & especially with the expanding of some distinguished medical & cancer fighting supplements the effects will be felt very speedily & then you may just begin to believe in your ability to overcome this.

Even the most sceptical habitancy about alternative treatments, if they just give the diet & a few supplements a try, they will have to admit in the end that it is doing them good; I know this because my Dad was the greatest skeptic on such forms of treatment, but now he would never stop what he is doing & is keen to do more & more of it.

Making plans for the future & beginning projects are an excellent idea; you are accepting you will be here & in good enough condition to see them through & 'you are now believing!'

Emotional blockages to recovery

In expanding to believing & having faith in your recovery, there are more often than not other emotional issues which need addressing.

Stress is the main obstacle here & in many cases of mesothelioma, more ordinarily cancer, continued periods of intense stress & worry may have been a direct cause. When we suffer over a long duration of time with such intense levels of stress & we see no way out, our immune law literally starts to shut down. It is roughly like you are telling your body, through the intensity of your thoughts, that you see no escape from your circumstances & your body hears, as well as senses your anguish & so it answers your pleas & begins to furnish you with a way out; it begins to shut down the productive functioning of your immune law & so disease has the door opened for its take-over. This will not be the case for everyone, yet it does give a viable explanation as to why 40 years or so after asbestos exposure, this disease may suddenly take a hold. The immune law has the ability to repair damage to cells & keep their healthy functioning in check, whether the cause is stress associated or possibly due to poor lifestyle habits it does make excellent sense that in some way it has been compromised for cancer to begin to grow within the body.

Even if you do not believe that stress played any direct role in the cause of mesothelioma for you personally, the above does give a good indication of how negative its impact can be on your condition & therefore all stress must be completely eliminated from daily life.

Another possible emotional blockage can be one that relates to issues from childhood. Sometimes, even if this is rooted deep down in the subconscious, when life situations occur which reminds you of these issues from childhood they can cause emotional imbalance, which needs to be resolved.

A new start

You may find that being diagnosed with such a serious illness such as mesothelioma, especially if you choose an alternative rehabilitation path, will cause you to address so many areas of your life & construct a completely new connection with so many of the things you had previously never given a second understanding about. The main one possibly being food & just what a 'treat' may now be classed as; a chocolate role which can cause you so much harm or a fresh carrot juice, which will give you an roughly instant lift & continued intake will be assisting in the salvage of your life! It is time to realise the true purpose of food & its spectacular, possible for fighting disease & maintaining good all round health, not for just tasting nice for the time it is in your mouth!

Overcoming cancer is an very spiritual process & you will likely find yourself rediscovering your faith in the spiritual, or possibly discovering it for the first time. Prayer should be practiced every day & your bond with the powers greater than yourself will enlarge & aid & advice will granted to you through prayer.

Many things & aspects of your life will possibly take on a new meaning, embrace this & know that it is all part of the learning caress you were given & that you will emerge all the wiser, stronger & happier when you can turn round & look back on all this with your condition renewed.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Thyroid Cancer Explained

Thyroid cancer infects the cells of the thyroid gland. It occurs in the cells of the thyroid - a butterfly-shaped gland settled at the base of your neck, just below your Adam's apple. Hormones produced in the thyroid gland are what regulate heart rate and blood pressure. These hormones are also responsible for regulating the body's weight and temperature.

Cancer Awareness

Thyroid cancer isn't that prevalent within the United States. On average, over 35,000 habitancy are diagnosed yearly with thyroid cancer. It seems thyroid cancer rates are expanding each year. Some doctors feel this is because of up-to-date advancements in curative science. Newer technology has made it inherent to find small thyroid cancers that may have been overlooked years earlier. Early detection has made it inherent for physicians to administer timely treatment.


In the starting stages, thyroid cancer does not display any bodily signs. Once thyroid cancer approaches the later stages, it can manifest itself as the following:
throat and neck pain hoarseness in the voice experiencing difficulty in swallowing swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck a lump that can be felt on the skin of neck area When To Visit Your Physician

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it would be a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. Thyroid cancer is not so common. Your physician will look into other causes or possibilities for the symptoms you are experiencing and rule those out first. Some of these symptoms could be indications of other curative issues not associated to your thyroid.


There is no clear-cut explanation of why thyroid cancer occurs. We know it happens in the cells of your thyroid when they genetic changes or mutations occur. The genetic changes make it inherent for the cells of the thyroid gland to grow and growth rapidly. Normal thyroid cells ultimately die. In the case of thyroid cancer, the mutation that occurs in those cells lose the capability to die as Normal cells usually do. The mutated cells derive and become a tumor. This is how it starts and these mutated cells can infect the around salutary tissue and spread throughout the body.

The Doctor's Appointment

If you believe you have thyroid cancer, the first would be to see your family physician or Normal physician. If your doctor, after initial testing, shares your concerns, you may be referred to an endocrinologist or to a master in the area of thyroid cancer.

Make sure you are well ready for your physician's appointment. There is usually much to cover and tests to be run in the goal of getting an strict prognosis. There are some exact things to reconsider when preparing for your doctor's appointment.

Be aware of any pre-appointment restrictions. When you make your appointment, find out if there is anyone that you will need in advance. There may also be some dietary restriction that needs to be observed before arriving at your appointment.

Write down any and all symptoms you're experiencing. You should comprise any that appear to be unrelated to the reckon for which your appointment was scheduled.

Write down prominent personal information. This can comprise any major stresses or difficulties in life. This can also encompass any life changes you might have undergone.

Compile a list of all current medications. This would comprise any vitamins or supplements.

Take person along with you. If possible, let a family member or friend accompany you on your appointment. Because of the care for your well-being, having a family member or friend with you might help you to remember details or something you would have otherwise forgotten or missed.

Write down questions to ask your doctor. Since the appointment can be brief, having a ready list of questions will help you make the most of the tiny time you have with your physician. You should prioritize them from the most prominent to least important. That way if there is insufficient time to cover everything, you would at least have covered the most prominent issues first. Some of those questions might be:
Which type of thyroid cancer do I have? What is the stage of my thyroid cancer? What treatments are recommended? Are there risks to each treatment? Will I be able to function usually while my thyroid cancer treatment? Should I get a second opinion? Should I see an endocrinologist? What is the cost? Am I covered by my insurance? How much time do I have to decide on a treatment? Is there any printed material that I can read or websites I can visit?

What Are The Risks Of Toxins In My Body

The Food We Eat.

Cancer Awareness

Ask yourself this question, "What Are The Risks Of Toxins In My Body."
It's a sad fact that sooner or later, we all have to accept the fact that we commonly ingest toxins into out bodies. When I say toxins, I don't necessarily mean harmful toxins like drugs. Some of the toxins that we put into our bodies come from foods that we eat everyday too.

Foods that we trust to make us healthy like fresh fruits and vegetables often have pesticides on them that the farmers use that can cause severe problems. The fact is that even the air we breath straight through pollution brings toxins into our bodies. There are few things that don't bring toxins into our bodies and the key is to know how to get rid of them.

Diet and exercise are simply the best way to stay healthy, but getting rid of harmful toxins should also be on your to do list. Its easier than you thought, so why not give it a shot?

What Toxins Am I Exposed To.

"What Are The Risks Of Toxins In My Body" and how can I get rid them. When it comes to getting rid of the harmful toxins in your body, it helps to know what you are exposed to every day as well as where these toxins are advent from and where can find them.

It is spectacular, but you can find many of these toxins in things that you would not even think had them in there. The more widely known chemicals and additives that can be found in your body and the foods that they are found in. There are thousands more in use but it is a good start. They are explained in a thorough Detox manual Guide just out.

"What Are The Risks Of Toxins In My Body" Here are just a few examples of harmful toxins that we are talking about, Acesulfame K, Acetone, Acetaldehyde, Alcohol, Alkyl-phenol Ethoxylades, Alpha Hydroxy Acid.... The list is very long in deed. But the detox manual goes into detail and has in-depth information on them.
Using Diet to Detox Your Body.

Detox diets are a very beloved way that population use in order to get rid of the harmful toxins that we ingest every day. These diets encourage you to eat natural foods and also encourage you to ingest lots of water and veggies which is all stuff you know is good for you. You hear about celebrities going on detox diets all of the time, and population who go into drug or alcohol rehabs are said to be detoxing as well, so you may wonder if it would be safe and ok for you to do as well.

Although detox diet theories have not honestly been proven scientifically, the population who keep detox diets believe that toxins don't always leave our bodies properly when we use the bathroom. Instead, they say that these toxins hang colse to in our digestive, lymph, and gastrointestinal systems and even in our skin and hair.

There are tons of detox diets out there to pick from. Typically they involve 1 or 2 days on a wholly liquid diet and someone else 4 or 5 days slowly adding brown rice, fruit, and steamed vegetables to the diet. After a week of eating only these foods, you slowly reintroduce other foods with the exception of red meat, wheat, sugar, eggs, and all prepackaged or junk foods.

You should also know that there are distinct type of diet that can be addictive. That's because there's a distinct feeling that comes from going without food or having an enema which can feel like a high that some other population get from nicotine or alcohol. This can come to be a perilous addiction that leads to major health problems in the long run.

There are other methods of reducing the The Risks Of Toxins In your Body, these methods are detailed in "Detox Manual" and can be found below, for a small price you will have a step by step guide that you can use for reference for ever.
You certainly shouldn't start a detox diet or stop eating from any major food group without talking to your physician or a registered dietician first. The human body is designed to purify itself. Your liver and kidneys will do the job they're supposed to do if you eat a healthy diet that includes fibre, fruits, veggies, and plenty of water.

When taken once every 6 months or longer, the detox diet is not harmful and will cleanse your body of the toxins that you want to be rid of. Just make sure that you are not over doing it or prolonging the diet for longer than you need to.

Herbal Replacements and Pills.

Whole foods also comprise other substances that are prominent for good health and a healthy detox program. Fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, comprise simply occurring food substances called phytochemicals, which might just help safe you against cancer, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure that you ingest into
your system everyday

Many of them are also good sources of the antioxidants that you need which slow down your body's oxidation, which is a natural process that can leads to cell and tissue damage. If you depend on supplements rather than eating actual foods, you miss the potential benefits of these substances. That is why you must exercise caution when selecting pills as a your detox formula.

I hope this article has not alarmed you, on the contrary I have tried to make you aware of "What Are The Risks Of Toxins In My Body" but you can find a thorough guide on the branch "DetoxManual"

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Grow Organic Tomatoes - Why Is It a Must?

In this day when most vegetables and fruits are genetically-modified, how to grow organic tomatoes becomes important in maintaining a salutary food selection. We are all aware of the impending danger that chemicals used as pesticides and fertilizers pose on our health. In fact, some studies have shown that some of these chemicals can cause cancer, as an greatest effect; thus, the need to grow your own vegetables and fruits.

Cancer Awareness

Growing organic tomatoes can be tasking but the over-all benefit cannot be undermined. For sure, you don't want to feed your families with chemical-laden veggies. As much as possible, we want to make sure that what we serve our children is only the healthiest meal to keep them strong and disease resistant. And this is the fancy why we need to grow organic tomatoes, even if we think that our space is limited.

Tomatoes that are cultivated the organic way proves to be juicier, tastier and vitamin-packed than its industrial counterpart. But in order to furnish such quality fruits, we also need to learn the basics of growing them. Keep in mind these uncomplicated tips and you will be assured of a delicious tomato-based meal every time you desire to have one.

The leading leading to remember is to have an organic tomato seeds or plant. If you have the time, you can germinate seeds, but this will be a bit tedious to prepare. You will need a germinating tray with organic soil, a plastic wrap and a gather place that has abundance of sunlight to germinate your tomato seeds. I prefer to just buy an organic tomato plant that I can take care of to furnish the fruits. I suggest the same thing, especially for those who are new in growing tomatoes.

This will save you the problem of growing it from the seeds, which might come out to be a dinky too fantastic for a beginner. You also need to pick a spot where to put the tomato plant. They need lots of sunlight in order to furnish abundance of juicy fruits. They also need kind estimate of water. pick a spot that will enable them to receive both these elements in abundance. As a normal rule, you should water your tomato plant daily and you must target the roots.

Using organic soil is also as leading in using organic seeds. If you want to be true to being an organic tomato grower, using chemical-free soil and fertilizers are two leading considerations. You can make your own compost at home using your scrap fruits and vegetables and you can use these as nutrients for your tomato plant.

These uncomplicated guidelines are very leading in how to grow organic tomatoes successfully. You can learn more by doing your own study and it will undoubtedly pay off when you see your tomatoes starting to furnish fruits. I hope that you were able to pick some great ideas from my sharing; adequate to put in order you in this worthwhile undertaking. So, are you ready to take on the challenge to go organic and save the lives of your children?

gravidity and Oral Cleanliness

Pregnant women become more specific on their eating habits as it can reflect the health of their babies. Fruits and vegetables are first in the list of their meals as it provides the principal vitamins and minerals needed by both the mother and the baby. The nine-month duration can cause a lot of problem to both of them once the mother does not custom good oral hygiene. Pregnant women focus only on visiting the Ob-gynecologist and not the dentist so as they are not aware of the supervene of oral hygiene to them or to their babies.

Cancer Awareness

Richmond cosmetic dentists have seen the bad effects of poor oral hygiene to both the mother and to the baby. The pregnant woman can have an growth in the level of hormones so as when they have poor oral hygiene, this level increases intensively up to the point that it causes oral problems. One of the most common dental problems is pregnancy gingivitis that takes place in the first three months. The inpatient may suffer from bleeding, red and tender gum, as well as swollen. It this case, mother should consult her dentist as soon as potential for it to be treated and never cause more serious problems. The worst part is that dental problems like gingivitis and periodontitis can even cause serious problems like premature birth and low birth weight.

Most of the pregnant women do not necessarily been aware of oral hygiene and the its importance in terms of the health of the pregnant woman and of the baby. Most of the prevention practices can be done speedily and needs to be done as a daily routine.

• seeing your dentist for check-up is necessary. Choosing the best who knows Richmond cosmetic dentistry is good as they can furnish the most suitable services to treat dental problems.
• Brushing of teeth needs to be done after each meals to clean the mouth and make the teeth whiter.
• Dental flossing after meals can help take away all the particles that is attached between two teeth. This is a great way of cleaning the particles that could not be taken away by naturally tooth brushing.
• forestall gingivitis and have a fresh feeling with using a mouthwash.
• Brush your tongue as well to forestall bad bacteria in living on it.
• Prefer to consume salutary foods particularly fruits, vegetables and fish.
• Have sugar-free foods to forestall cavities.

These practices tend to be a daily routine once a pregnant woman started to do it and one thing is great and that is both the mother and the baby will be healthy. Loving yourself loves your baby as well as he is in your womb so as you to have to prefer to do what is good for her than yourself. Even though you are craving on a food you have to reduce and pick the ones that is good for him. Even the pregnant women who love to drink milk before bedtime should adjust and rinse their mouth first before going to sleep because the milk can cause tooth decay.

Trusting the dentist is principal because they do their best to safe your mouth and your baby from dental problems that can cause more serious illness in the body. There are cases where oral problems were not treated as soon as potential that have cause oral cancer and sooner caused death.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Anti-Aging Handbook

Some population - especially men - think American women are obsessed with how they look. However, studies have shown that when you feel attractive, you feel more positive and are more likely to be successful. As a result, working women use an mean of 20 or more personal care products (excluding make up and cosmetics) every day.

Cancer Awareness

While that may seem excessive, stop and think about it. For your hair, you probably use shampoo and conditioner, styling gel or mouse plus hair spray (5 products). Oral hygiene includes mouth wash, toothpaste, floss and maybe a whitener (4 products). For your body, you most likely use a shower gel, dry skin lotion, deodorant, hand cream and foot cream (5 products). And for your face, you probably have a regimen which might include cleanser, toner, exfoliant scrub, night cream, day cream, eye cream and lip safety (7 products). That's a total of 21 - and doesn't include self tanner, sun block, perfume, manicure, pedicure or hair coloring.

It's easy to see that we truly are invested in seeing great - and that includes anti-aging skin care. As the 78 million American baby boomers begin to turn 65 in 2011 at the rate of 10,000 a day, the availability of anti-aging products will continue to proliferate. More and more scientific resources will be devoted to helping you look younger to meet the growing demand.

However, seeing younger is about more than a "face lift in a jar" or expensive, dangerous, invasive procedures and injections. There are simple, reasonable things you can do to subtract years from your looks and keep old age at bay. They include:

1. Limit your time in the sun - and always wear broad spectrum (Uva/Uvb) sunblock of at least 30 Spf. Too much sun is responsible for as much as 75% of the wrinkles on your face and the age spots on your hands.

2. Avoid tanning beds. Agreeing to the Internal department for investigate on Cancer, the use of tanning beds greatly increases your chances for developing skin cancer.

3. If you haven't stopped smoking already, do it now! In addition to putting you at risk for lung cancer and heart attack, smoking is very damaging to your skin causing broken blood vessels, enlarged pores, age spots, lines colse to the mouth, crows' feet and a dull complexion with loss of elasticity.

4. Drink abundance of water - as much as 8 full glasses a day. Water hydrates your body and your skin and flushes away toxic substances. Think green - stop buying bottled water. It is high-priced and wasteful - and the nation's landfills are being drowned in plastic bottles. If you don't like the way your tap water tastes or smells, spend in an reasonable water filtration theory or a filtration pitcher.

5. Avoid too much caffeine and alcohol which raise your blood pressure and cause your capillaries to dilate. They also cause dehydration and destroy vital minerals needed for daily skin function.

6. Don't sleep in your make-up. While it sometimes seems like it is just too much trouble to take off your makeup before going to bed, that is a very bad habit to get into.

7. Exfoliate your skin 3 to 4 times a week to encourage the formation of new cells and help these cells rise to the skin's surface. Your complexion will be clearer, more radiant and fine lines and wrinkles will be diminished. You don't need a fancy, high-priced goods - use a handful of everyday baking soda applied to wet skin and gently scrub your skin in a circular motion. This will take off the outer layer of dead cells that have accumulated on the exterior of your skin and help your high-priced anti-aging skin care products work more effectively.

8. Get regular exercise! You don't have to join an high-priced gym or buy high-priced equipment, although that wouldn't hurt. You can "Sweat to the Oldies" with Richard Simmons in the privacy of your living room - or simply start walking colse to your neighborhood. But it can' be a unhurried stroll. You must raise your heart rate to do any good. And it must be a regular habit - 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week at a minimum. Practice also relieves stress, a major factor in premature aging.

9. Try to eat right - avoid junk food and empty calories. A easy rule of thumb: keep white foods to a minimum. These include white bread, rice, potatoes and pasta - all high in carbohydrates as well as calories. And you'll want to supplement your diet with requisite vitamins and minerals: anti-oxidants (vitamins A, C and E), vitamin B-6 to aid healing, fish oil and Co-Q-10 for heart health, flaxseed oil to hydrate skin and help equilibrium hormones and lecithin to increase skin elasticity and thickness and enhance hair and nails.

10. Get abundance of sleep, because your skin repairs itself over night when your body's power is not required to hold every day activities. But try not to sleep with your face touching the pillow. If you wake up in the morning with creases on your face from the pillowcase, be aware that over time those creases can come to be permanent dents. Therefore, try to sleep on your back.

11. See your physician for regular check-ups. If you don't have a house doctor, get one now! The worst time to try to find a physician is when you are very sick. You'll need to get a appropriate corporal so your physician can produce your baselines for blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, etc. Be sure to ask for a perfect blood work-up to check for hormone levels and imbalances and your thyroid level. Also ask the physician to check your bone density to resolve if you need a calcium supplement. If you produce a serious health later, your physician will be there with your vital statistics, ready to suggest you and guide you to the permissible specialists.

12. Make an exertion to stand and sit up right and say permissible posture. When you think old, do you envision someone bent over and shuffling along? Don't let that someone be you.

These twelve simple, reasonable habits will go a long way towards helping you look and feel younger. You'll produce a spring in your step - you'll learn to carry on your stress - and you will caress renewed power and a zest for life.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do You Think When You Drink?

Most habitancy are now familiar that mild to moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of heart disease. This record will contemplate the risks as well as the benefits of drinking wine and alcohol, a topic which I feel is leading to raise with patients I see in the clinic, particularly those with ongoing condition challenges.

Cancer Awareness

You will have heard by now of the ironic discovery in the 70's called the "French paradox", which established that although many French habitancy smoke cigarettes and eat a diet high in saturated fats such as butter; they are still half as likely to die from cardiovascular disease than habitancy in many other countries. Years of investigate collectively involving more than 750,000 men and women has shown that drinking one to two glasses of red wine daily lowers the risk of heart disease, heart assault and cardiovascular associated deaths by up to 30 to 40 per cent. Much investigate since then has revealed rather that sensible (mild to moderate) drinkers have a tendency towards having a salutary lifestyle in general, they get plentifulness of sleep, and they make the right dietary choices, smoke itsybitsy if at all and exercise regularly. They also tend to have healthy, stress free communal lives, take less risks with their condition and have a "happy heart" in general, both emotional and physical. Scientists used to attribute French heart condition solely to a liking for red wine, but it seems there is a lot more to the French paradox than just wine; it is more likely that their Mediterranean diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil, herbs, garlic and fish, having a regular low key red wine intake as well as their laid back Mediterranean stress-free lifestyle appear to be the most leading influences to heart health.

Male patients in particular tell me "but I plan that drinking wine was supposed to be good for your heart?" I think for many guys in particular the French anomaly has come to be a valid and scientifically endorsed calculate to drink on a daily basis, because "my doctor told me that red wine is good for me". Naturally, most habitancy want to hear that drinking a moderate amount of red wine each day appears to be beneficial for heart disease and may even expand their lifespan, but there is a lot more here than meets the eye. This to me is a bit like the strange plan that eating chocolate every day is somehow good for your body. Tell me honestly, how many habitancy can absolutely have one glass of red wine and one or two squares of dark chocolate daily? I call it unnecessary self-imposed temptations based on false assumptions and clever marketing.

Alcohol is a dual edged sword and can be a poison as well as a medicine, the inequity between its Jekyll and Hyde nature lies in just one thing - the dose. Red wine may well have some condition promoting effects, but in my opinion, alcohol should cautiously approached as a salutary daily addition to any person's diet. Alcohol the only beverage I know from personal contact that when you have just "a itsybitsy too much" you end up waking up absolutely feeling like death warmed up, and how can that be any good for your health? Any beverage which when consumed has a fine line between feeling good one moment and will have you feeling like you are about to croak the day after, makes you wonder about any condition promoting benefits. And I'll bet that there will be plentifulness of readers out there who participate of wine and have had the most unpleasant contact of waking up with the sick from hell, or a tummy that makes you reach for a bowl early in the morning at just the plan of cooked eggs for breakfast. That is not to say that I don't enjoy a nice Pinot on chance - after all, you have to live and let your hair down at times. But to have one or more units of wine, beer or spirits on a daily basis would make me feel tired and washed out in only a matter of a few weeks. And that is not how I like to feel.

Each time a new sick person comes into my clinic and starts to talk about their condition problems, I am keen to find out if any dietary and lifestyle habits are potentially underpinning their problems, and alcohol is often a hotly debated topic. It is surprising how many habitancy I have convinced to stop alcohol consumption while the week and to drink only at the weekends. Most are amazed at how quickly their digestive issues, fatigue patterns, skin irritations and many more condition issues just seem to disappear in a short duration of time. Their condition awareness also begins to grow as they start to see their family and friends in a distinct light. Their self-esteem increases and more salutary choices are made in terms of the diet and lifestyle. As weight-loss occurs, their energy and wellbeing increases. I call this the "upward spiral" of health. Once you start to go up this ladder it becomes easier to resist temptation, some of the friends you used to hang nearby with (read drinking buddies) whether go up the ladder with you and clean up or decree to bail out and drop off the ladder and feel more comfortable on the lower rungs with their other mates who they play golf with, shoot, or fish with, etc. It is amazing to see some men in the clinic come to be real advocates for a salutary lifestyle in their own communal and family circle, these are the guys who now start to inspire their sons, fathers, brothers, and male friends to make condition changes themselves, to sell out their drinking, eat more healthily and exercise regularly. Sometimes unfortunately it may take a heart attack, a car crash or even a loss of driver's license to come to be even aware that there is such as thing as this "health-ladder". Are you aware?

It is also surprising at just how much the median guy drinks on a regular basis, and it is not until they are pulled up that they sit back and take stock of their patterns of alcohol consumption that reality sinks in - they have built a real desire for it. Are you one of those guys who looks at his watch and thinks to himself: "its 5.00 o'clock, let's have a drink" on a regular basis? New Zealand, like any other country, as if you haven't noticed has a real qoute with alcohol. But I don't think the alcohol is the real issue here, it is rather the someone involving it, being blissfully unaware of why they need to drink so often and heavily. Physical, emotional or psychological tress often underpins drinking, and many will tell you that alcohol makes them feel good or relaxes them. The truth is that alcohol stresses the body creating a vicious cycle of desire, dependency and even more stress, and it is not until you break this cycle for some months that you can absolutely understand what I mean. I know, I used to be a heavy drinker myself in my twenties who was kidding himself like a lot of blokes out there do in their twenties, thirties and even in their sixties.
Red Wine and the Heart: The Real Facts

Although one glass of red wine a day may well be good for your heart, drinking more than this seems to promote plaque build-up in blood vessels, suggest the findings from a study of over 4000 older adults. Dr. Mukamal, a biostatistician at the University of Washington in Seattle, used data from the Cardiovascular condition Study to added evaluate these associations. The new findings are reported in the medical Journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. (December 2003)

All subjects were tested with ultrasound to look for atherosclerosis (a build up of plaque & calcium in the arteries) in blood vessels found in the neck. Among subjects without heart disease or associated problems, those who drank one to six alcoholic beverages per week had the least amount of atherosclerosis, and the many amount of arterial damage was found in habitancy who consumed 14 or more drinks per week. And those who smoke and drink heavily? You guessed it, major condition problems. In habitancy with established heart disease, involving 7 to 13 drinks per week was associated with less atherosclerosis than not drinking at all. Once again, however, subjects who drank 14 or more beverages per week showed the most atherosclerosis. So what we are finding at is about one to maximum two small drinks of red wine per day. Interestingly, this study never has looked at those who have never or very rarely have consumed alcohol.
Is Red Wine absolutely That Fine?

Findings in the Journal of the American relationship of medicine as recently as 2001 should caution researchers and the communal to consider the existing evidence and the popular plan that moderate drinking is good for normal health. The most recent investigate appears to point out that many "heart tick to red wine" studies have a methodological flaw: they commonly collate drinkers with non-drinkers, but fail to distinguish between those who never drank alcohol and those who quit drinking for condition reasons. For example, investigators questioned more than 22,000 men aged 40 to 69 in Japan on their drinking frequency in 1990, then tracked the men until 1997. By separating these two groups of non-drinkers, investigators found that ex-drinkers did have a higher risk of mortality than non-drinkers and that moderate drinkers did not absolutely have decreased mortality when compared with those who had never been drinkers. The Jama finding shows that, if an inadequate comparison group (never drinkers combined with ex-drinkers) is used, the protective consequent of moderate drinking is seriously exaggerated. Thus, moderate drinkers spuriously showed a reduced risk when compared with non-drinkers, which erroneously included both ex-drinkers and never drinkers.
Alcohol Interferes With Sleep

Many habitancy believe that wine "helps" them to relax and sleep better, when in fact quite the opposite is true - it interferes with sleep. Alcohol does have a sedative effect, in fact as you know, a glass of wine or two will put you to sleep. But consider the following drawbacks; your peaceful sleep may last only three or four hours. Then that "relaxing drink" begins to disrupt your sleep patterns. Alcohol makes occasional or persisting insomnia worse in the long run. Because of alcohol's sedating effect, many habitancy with insomnia drink alcohol thinking that it will promote sleep. However, alcohol consumed within an hour of bedtime appears to disrupt the second half of the sleep period. The someone may sleep fine while the first half of sleep, but wake from the dream state and returning to sleep with difficulty, and end up tossing and turning. This sleep disruption often leads to daytime fatigue and sleepiness. Older habitancy are at particular risk, because they accomplish higher levels of alcohol in the blood and brain than do younger persons after involving the same amount, and they need to take particular care if they take one or some pharmaceutical drugs and drink commonly even more so. Wine is often consumed in the late afternoon (e.g., at "happy hour" or with dinner) and many studies show that a moderate dose of alcohol consumed as much as 6 hours before bedtime can growth wakefulness while the second half of sleep.

Alcohol Can Potentially Cause Long-Term condition Problems Even at Moderate Levels

Here are just a few condition effects associated with daily slowly heavy alcohol consumption.
o Researchers have found that drinking red wine even slowly may absolutely growth the risk of heart disease by addition the concentration of the amino acid homocysteine. And this corresponds with a huge growth in cardiovascular risk compared with those who abstain. Alcohol affects the stomach's ability to bind Vitamin B12 with the hormone called intrinsic factor. This leading vitamin can then not be effectively conveyable to the small intestine for absorption. Many guys I talk with who drink commonly have Vitamin B12 problems, and this is revealed with a blood test. The lower the B12, the higher the risk for heart disease. You see, alcohol absolutely is a dual edged sword and I've only just scraped the face with vitamin and mineral deficiencies here.
o A study has shown that involving just one drink per day may growth the risk of breast cancer in women. Alcohol reduces the liver's ability to clear oestrogen, as well as addition the body's oestrogen levels generally, which may promote breast cancer. Now tell me, how many ladies stop at one glass per day?
o Other inherent risks with very regular wine consumption: pharmaceutical drug interactions (many), increased incidence of accidents, some liver diseases, high blood pressure and stroke, digestive problems, as well as impaired fertility in men and women.
o Your poor brain, remember after you turned 40, how you felt that morning after only a few reds?
o Alcohol in large and regular amounts affects your ability to handle stress, which in turn increases your desire for more alcohol. habitancy who abuse alcohol have all kinds of health-related problems as well as a lot more accidents. An impaired stress response affects some body systems, along with the ability of the immune system to fight infection and even of brain cells to learn and remember, agreeing to the researchers. Studies show that alcohol causes the body to lose part of its ability to talk to added stressors. Heavy drinkers may therefore come to be unable to commence their stress axis appropriately when they are faced with a challenge, and that can be damaging.
o Wine makes you fat, each gram contains 7 calories. (fat contains 9 fat per gram). Guys end up with the belly, and women may end up in the Bbc. (the big bum club!)
Here are three real case histories which expound what I mean about red wine, the cases are all real but the names have been changed:

Jeff is a 33yr old guy who works as a plumber and also moonlights part-time as a web found student. Jeff came into my clinic complaining of poor sleep and libido and persisting fatigue. When I queried his lifestyle it was unavoidable that wine was consumed most evenings, "I have three to four glasses of wine because it relaxes me and makes me feel good", "I make my own wine but end up giving a lot away to my mates". Jeff also has a less than salutary diet and goes to bed quite commonly nearby 12.00 pm - 1.00am. Jeff has had a few accidents the past few years, along with a nasty fall from the roof of his house trying to fix spouting. He admitted to me that he started the work "after a few wines" one Saturday afternoon, and he is still visiting a chiropractor three years later. His doctor did all the obligatory blood tests, blood pressure, etc, to found the cause of his tiredness. And of procedure all things came back 100% fine. The doctor never enquired into his occupation, his diet or any aspects of his lifestyle.

What I all the time find involving is that when a sick person presents to a doctor of Western medicine with fatigue, their diet and lifestyle is rarely addressed, and this is exactly where the qoute lies most of the time. Jeff needed somebody to sit down with him and contemplate where his tiredness was coming from, and to expound the likely causes. I ultimately convinced Jeff to stop drinking altogether for 3 months, to get to bed by 9.30 - 10.00pm at the most recent and to get up early to found a good rhythm of high energy in the morning and low energy in the evening. I also mentioned to Jeff that he probably wouldn't have had that fall if he tackled that spouting job sober. Jeff is now very happy, he has made major changes and realised that he had his lifestyle back to front. Jeff now functions much great as a father and husband and hardly ever drinks at all.

Graeme is a 57yr old attorney who came in on hint of his wife. When Graeme gets home from the office while the week, he has a large glass of red wine, followed by a second glass before supper with some crackers and cheese, and a added glass is served with the evening meal. Graeme often goes to wine tastings and enjoys a glass at the golf club after a game. while the weekends there often friends and family often come visiting and wine is never far away, after all, they had a cellar built when the house was made and wine is bought by the carton through the wine club. Graeme is about 40 pounds overweight, does not exercise and has been under valuable stress after one of the senior partners from the law firm moved away some time ago. You can see where this is heading, Graeme's cardiovascular blood tests revealed a high heart condition risk due to elevated homocysteine levels. Graeme explained that his doctor was fine with his "moderate" red wine consumption because his cholesterol was fine, but I disapproved. I found out that Graeme's doctor is a member of the same golf club and wine tasting group as Graeme. In addition, Graeme has a history of gout and high-blood pressure, and was keen to start working on a wellness plan because of his family's history of heart-disease. He was rather surprised when I mentioned that regular and daily consumption of red wine wouldn't be helping his health, and he promised to cut back considerably. Needless to say his doctor called me a quack, a "typiocal" naturopath with absolutely no idea about medicine, science or healing. It is involving how I have a doctor currently as a sick person in our practice who self-prescribes an anti-depressant, a sleeping pill and who drinks wine every night.


Pete is a pilot who still flies his small airplane at the age of 74. He has been flying for roughly 50 years and wouldn't trade it for the world. He takes exceptionally good care of his condition along with a regular 1 hour exercise program 7 days a week because he wants to be still flying at 90. Peter's daughter is a physical schooling instructor who has taught him how to stay fit and flexible. I find it rare to see an elderly gentleman is such fine shape is truly amazing and inspiring, and Pete's radiant smile is a testimony to his health. He enjoys one (small) glass of red wine each day with the evening meal for medicinal purposes of course, as he declares! His sleep is great and his libido is exquisite beyond 70yrs of age. Peter's diet is on par with the best I've seen and his blood pressure is 120/75, which is exceptional for his age. This is how red wine adds value to a person's health, in small and regular amounts taken long term. Peter has been drinking red wine like this since the 1970's.

Red Wine is the Only Alcoholic Beverage which Confers Some itsybitsy Benefit, No Other Alcohol

Sorry chardonnay fans, but in terms of condition benefits, white wines pale in comparison to reds. This is because white wines are traditionally made without grape skins, or the mashed combination containing the skins is removed early in the fermentation process, which is where most of the protective compounds are found. When choosing a red wine, look for full-bodied wines which are rich in beneficial chemicals. A good ability Shiraz, cabernet sauvignon, merlot and even a blended Grenache all fit the bill. And remember, we are only talking about red wine here, not beer, spirits and all those "mixers" our younger habitancy are into. Much of the benefit appears to be due to the polyphenols, an antioxidant, found in grape skins and red wine. Polyphenols are known to combat damaging free radicals in the body. It appears that polyphenols lower "bad" Ldl cholesterol while raising "good" Hdl cholesterol and decrease the yield of a protein that plays a major role in the improvement of heart disease.

But before you go out and stock your pantry with red wine there are some precautions that need to be taken. While drinking about one glass of red wine each day may yield some benefit, drinking two or more glasses (of wine or any alcoholic beverage) may offset the benefit and growth your risk of many distinct types of condition problems as previously, even cancers. So it is likely that the alcohol itself is irrelevant to the beneficial effects of wine consumption. In fact, alcohol absolutely is toxic and nearly all of the benefit attributed to drinking wine may be associated to these polyphenolic bioflavanoid compounds.

And habitancy with a history of alcohol abuse or any type of liver disease should not drink alcohol at all. Also, habitancy with diabetes and hypertension should limit their intake of alcohol very much.

You also need to be aware that involving large amounts of wine or grapes will growth insulin levels and ultimately have a negative impact on your condition - you may pile on the weight. If you absolutely want the flavonoid benefits of the grape, why then not consume whole a small amount of grape skins (spit out the seeds) and pass up most of the meat of the ripe grape, which has no real major benefit but a lot of extra fructose (sugar). A small bunch of ripe grapes daily is a great addition to any diet, and so is red grape juice. Now we are talking, all the benefits of the polyphenols but without the damaging effects of alcohol. There is no doubt, alcohol does have the ability to excerpt a lot more goodness from the red grape skin than can be offered from grape juice, but the downside is the damaging effects of the ethanol (alcohol) to the gut, brain and condition in normal as already mentioned.
One Small Glass a Day of Red is the Key

If you are going to drink, it does make sense to select red wine over other alcoholic beverages, and use a wine saver to ensure the wine doesn't oxidise and go rancid. You can even buy "wine saver" gadgets allowing you to pump out the air inside the bottle prior to sealing, making the remaining wine very durable. But wait for it, the liver suffers from alcohol! Even marginal drinking has an consequent of undermining the liver's ability to clear toxins from the body. Remember Peter the pilot? In Peter's case, there are no fatty foods consumed, no chocolate or dairy products, take aways, etc. The only food or beverage Peter consumes which could potentially work on his liver is the tiny amount of red wine he consumes each evening, so no problems here. Once a someone consumes some glasses of alcohol daily and in addition takes paracetamol or other medications regularly, consumes a take-away once or twice a week, eats high fat foods like peanuts or regular chocolate bars, consumes sugary foods, etc, is when you start to load the liver's capacity to detoxify. It's all about the plan of "total load".
Can We Test the Liver's Function?

Standard Lft's (liver function tests) studies done by your doctor are efficient for detecting actual damage to your liver. These blood tests are of itsybitsy value however in detecting your liver's actual detoxification potential, because they portion acute liver cell damage directly, rather than functional ability of your liver, i.e., the uptake, metabolism, storage, and urination of toxic substances like alcohol, drugs, chemical sprays, solvents, etc. Why wait until damage is done? besides the standard liver function test, there is a simple urine test ready which can identify how your liver, the body's main detoxifying organ, is handling a wide variety of chemicals, along with wine. Your naturopath can fill you in more.

All of the investigate I have studied appears to back up what we have all the time known, than light to moderate reed wine consumption is ok for your health. But that is exactly the point, light to moderate consumption. When it comes to alcohol, like whatever else in your life, absolute moderation is your key. You must learn to "discipline your discipline" when it comes to alcohol, more so than with any other food or beverage you wil ever be "legally" allowed to consume.


o Jama September 2001 (286:1177-1178)
o Medical Journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. (December 2003)
o Landolt, H.-P., et al. Late-afternoon ethanol intake affects nocturnal sleep and the sleep Eeg in middle-aged men. J Clin Psychopharmacol 16(6):428-436, 1996.
o Vitiello, M.V. Sleep, alcohol and alcohol abuse. Addict Biol (2):151-158, 1997.
o Aldrich, M.S. Effects of alcohol on sleep. In: Lisansky Gomberg, E.S., et al., eds. Alcohol Problems and Aging. Niaaa investigate Monograph No. 33. Nih Pub. No. 98-4163. Bethesda, Md: Niaaa.
o Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental investigate 2000;24:110-122.

treatment For Malignant Prostate Cancer

Hormonal therapy and chemotherapy are normally set aside for cancer which has spread beyond the prostate, or in other words, is malignant. Here we look at hormone therapy.

Cancer Awareness

Prostate cancer cells require particular hormones, known as androgens, in order to grow. With hormone therapy, the goal is to get these cancerous cells barred from getting androgen hormones.

One form of hormone rehabilitation employs drugs for preventing the body from producing testosterone. For instance, some medications block the production of natural hormones. Also there are drugs which block hormone production at localized places. Lh-Rh agonists, (Leuprolide and Goserelin) for one, are drugs that stop the testicles from development testosterone.

Surgery is an additional one alternative in hormonal treatment. The policy known as orchiectomy removes the testicles; this constantly reduces production of testosterone. The adrenal gland persists in production of the hormone, however, substances called antiandrogens are then introduced; these block the activity of all remaining male hormones. This blend of surgical operation and antiandrogens is referred to as total androgen blockade.

Hormone rehabilitation can operate and delay growth of malignant prostate cancer. It typically slows down the cancer for a whole of years. When deprived of hormonal material, cancer cell growth rates of slow down radically. However, most prostate cancers continue to grow even without the occurrence of male hormones.

Like other treatments for prostate cancer, hormone therapy may cause erectile dysfunction. Weakening of your bones is one exact perilous side supervene to be aware of. A protracted hormone rehabilitation reduces bone density, foremost to fractures. Some of the other side effects can contain diarrhea, hot flashes, nausea, and breast growth.

Monday, April 23, 2012

information on Skin Cancer - Preventing base Skin Diseases

Although it is not clear what has changed in modern times, it seems that skin cancer is far more tasteless now. I think it is a aggregate of things. Firstly, explore into skin cancer and how to care for skin has increased our comprehension of the disease. This has increased the whole of awareness campaigns so that the median person is more conscious of skin cancer and what are the main causes. Citizen will now check their skin and see their doctor if they have a concern. This may raise the whole of cases being diagnosed but it also means more are being treated, and, in most of these cases, successfully. This description will give you some information on skin cancer and hopefully raise awareness of the issues involved.

Cancer Awareness

Skin cancer is a disease where cancer cells form on the outer layers of the skin. In most cases the cancer cells stay there and are easy to treat. Any way some will spread and can start to form on internal organs. This is when skin cancer becomes really serious and can be fatal if not treated.

There are three types of cancer. The most tasteless form is known as basal cell carcinoma. Most Citizen are diagnosed with this form of the disease. It rarely spreads and is easy to treat.

Squamous cell carcinoma is also a tasteless skin cancer. It is more tasteless for this form of the disease to spread but normally to other skin cells close to it. Again, if caught early it is fairly easy to treat.

Melanoma is the third type of skin cancer and is far less common. It is also the most serious form of the disease because it is often malignant. It will spread to other parts of the body, including internally, affecting vital organs. It is also harder to detect by personal examination.

Signs and Symptoms

There are a multitude of different signs and symptoms that can develop. The overriding guidance in spotting skin cancer is that if you notice an unusual mark on your skin that doesn't go away or appears to be getting bigger then you should consult your doctor or a skin cancer professional.

Information on skin cancer confirms that a growth, an abnormal accumulation of cells, even a pimple that does not go away can be typical early signs of the disease. These marks normally occur on areas of the skin that are exposed to sunlight, like the face, neck, back and arms. Any way they can appear in any place on the body.

Malignant melanoma will typically look like a brown spot or mole on the skin. This is often very hard to spot as many Citizen are born with moles on their skin and get more as they grow older. If you notice a brown mark or mole on your skin that appears to be getting bigger then you should consult a expert for a allowable diagnosis.

There is no guaranteed way to prevent skin cancer, Any way avoiding ultra-violet (Uv) radiation is the best way to prevent it developing. You should avoid appliances like sun tanning beds that give off ultra-violet rays. The sun is the main source of Uv rays and it is virtually impossible to avoid these rays (and in minute quantities sunlight is beneficial to the health). Any way when you are in the sun you should safe you skin. This can involve wearing clothes like long sleeve shirts, wide brimmed hats and sunscreen. You should also wear sunglasses for the eyes.

important Side Effects of Quitting Weed

Chronic weed use has been related with many documented and undocumented effects on the human body. Smoking is the commonest way of marijuana consumption and since marijuana smoke is ordinarily inhaled deep and retained for a necessary number of time, this can lead to lasting bronchial irritation. Apart from this highlight the marijuana smoke contains over 400 different chemicals, some of which may be carcinogenic although concrete evidence linking marijuana use to cancer is lacking.

Cancer Awareness

Apart from this marijuana use has been related with memory loss, inability concentration, loss of motivation, infertility and cardiac problems. Habitancy with cardiac diseases should strictly avoid cannabis containing compounds.

Apart from this cannabis has also been related with increased risk of psychosis in schizophrenics. Therefore quitting weed is surely beneficial in the long run.

However quitting weed is complicated by the psychological dependence and resignation symptoms which one suffers from after quitting weed. Although these symptoms are ordinarily mild and settle within a few days, they can be good handles if Habitancy are aware about them. Therefore here are a few coarse resignation symptoms seen after quitting marijuana.

· Insomnia is coarse in the first 48-72 hours after stopping marijuana use. This will ordinarily settle and exercise is a good way to combat insomnia. One should not turn to other intoxicants like alcohol to help sleep while this period.

· Anxiety and restlessness is very coarse in the first week after discontinuing lasting marijuana use. This ordinarily manifests as mild tremors, frustration, irritation and increase heart rate. This also settles within the first week. Deep breathing, meditation and yoga can help deal with the anxiety and restlessness.

· Loss of appetite, feeling low, lack of vigor and low mood are other coarse symptoms of resignation from cannabis. Exercise, creative pursuits and a strong social retain are necessary for overcoming these obstacles.

· Nightmares are also ordinarily seen in the immediate period after resignation from cannabis. The sleep is ordinarily very disturbed and interrupted by these dreams and nightmares. The man may wake up feeling very tired.

· Flight of ideas and inability to consolidate are other frequent symptom of cannabis withdrawal. Inattentiveness is particularly common. Once again channelling ones energies into some creative race can help overcome this problem.

· Yawning is a coarse symptom of cannabis withdrawal. Most lasting users of cannabis will have experienced this phenomenon where they start yawing a few hours after their last joint which is interpreted as sleepiness while it is indeed a sign of cannabis withdrawal.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Diagnosing Genital Warts With Pictures

If you reason you have genital warts, pictures can help you confirm your diagnosis, but here are some other things you should know.

Cancer Awareness

You may reason you have genital warts if your genital areas are itching or burning. The warts may be difficult to see because they may be flat in appearance and very tiny (sometimes as small as 1 mm). The warts may be in an area which you cannot see yourself.

If you are looking at pictures on the internet, be aware that they can look very different from your own warts. They can be grey or flesh-colored in appearance and they can vary greatly in size. Some citizen only have very small patches of warts while other areas are larger. Genital warts pictures are only intended as a guide.

As embarrassing as it may be, it is prominent to have person else check the area out. You may show person you trust some pictures from the internet and ask him or her to collate them to the area that is bothering you.

However, no matter what he or she says, it is still prominent to get a doctor's opinion. The physician may want to take a biopsy of the tissue to rule out any other conditions. He or she will also talk with you to discuss the discrete options ready and rule which is best.

For example, if you or your partner is pregnant or hoping to come to be pregnant, it is prominent that the baby not ageement the human papillomavirus (Hpv) that caused the warts.

Treating the genital warts is fairly easy: The area can be frosty and the warts cauterized off. There are also discrete creams that can be applied. However, the Hpv virus is incurable and so it is inherent to get another case of the condition in the future.

For that reason, it is prominent to tell all of your sexual partners about your condition. To make it easier, show them some genital warts pictures, including actual photographs and some drawings of where the warts occur. account for to them that while the warts are embarrassing, they are not life threatening and rarely supervene in complications, such as cancer.

Showing your partner these pictures will help them understand why it may be valuable to avoid sex for a duration of time. However, an insight partner will patiently wait until the warts are healed.

Unfortunately, many citizen are uncomfortable looking at pictures or even discussing the matter. They may react negatively to the news or even ignore it, denying it can happen to them. However, they should be made aware of the question and be made aware that these warts can spread straight through anal, oral and vaginal sex.

Genital warts pictures are no-one's favorite works of art but they can be very helpful in diagnosing and discussing a very tasteless condition. Look for genital warts pictures on a reputable curative website to get more information.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Suffering Hardship Issues - issue legacy Factors and Mass Consciousness Burdens - Part 1

When a person has a challenge in their life they find it difficult to look at themselves as the originator of that issue. It is easier and less painful at the time to blame person else for their misery so they bury their past experiences because when they cannot see it, hear it, feel it, smell it or touch it, it cannot be proven, so it is not real - so they think! After many repetitive suffering experiences, a dust storm blows straight through their reality to locate what they have hidden, to expose the stuck vigor that they have ignored for so long.

Cancer Awareness

The short term pain still persists - it has been hidden, but that pain seeks resolution and freedom, so the storms of life locate the façade, it exposes the naked issue and this brings in a sudden gust of anxiety, knowing that you are still burdened with a heavy overload. You feel that you are stuck in the past and the past becomes your time to come once again. You feel that you are weighed down and encumbered by conflicting, restricted controls and limitations. You feel that you are fighting, striving, controlling and struggling from life's disappointments, setbacks, failures and hardships. These tiring conditions only bring more suffering and an incredible grim future. If you pick to take on board the old traveller's story of the past, you would de facto act out that same story.

Your traveller's story has 2 influences:

1. Ancestral Karma
2. Mass Consciousness

Let's take a look at these influences

1. Ancestral Karma - Your ancestral karma or legacy factors are your family lineage. Earth is the classroom for learning- it is the sandpit for experiencing dualistic opposites. Sense is a hard teacher, it gives the test first and the episode afterwards, for an Sense is not fully understood until it is experienced! Any Sense that occurs without resolution and without comprehension and accepting the lessons or without finding the gift within that experience, will continue to repeat itself until your consciousness expands beyond that level of creating immoral or limiting events. It is known as karma or cause and effect. The nature of karma is just a responsibility of the soul, it is stuck vigor that is held within an issue or event, either it is personal, ancestral or angelic that has not resolved itself. All vigor seeks resolution. Stuck vigor comes back because vigor is self-seeking, and it wants to move on, to be addressed and released. It needs assistance to be resolved and set free for its own evolution and freedom. There are many types of karma, but the beliefs from your past are about your ancestral karma, your legacy factors of your family lineage. vigor is blocked and stuck due to an Sense that has produced a wound, a belief in a sin, or inheriting a karmic pattern, hiding itself deep within the murky waters, and clothing itself with a masquerade story in this life time, putting on a façade to appear in many separate ways.

Past life karma, ancestral karma or legacy factors are just aspects of yourself, they are stories carried out in a separate reality and dimension, lived out in a masquerade game of playing hide and seek in earth's dualistic sandpit. Each one, known as a soul aspect is created by your soul, playing separate games and experiences, finding out what it was like to love and to hate, to steal or to give and receive, to feel worthy or unworthy, to be abundant and in lack and to be healthy or sick and so on.

These are unresolved personal karma issues from you, this family lineage your inherited bloodline, held within your Dna. These vigor attributes are passed down from generation to generation, that comes from your family tree. You are your great, great, grandparent, the blood line of your past life line, for most times you will stay in the same blood line, your family tree, to come back to decide it energies, unless you come to be an highly enlightened soul or a very angry soul to convert your blood line. Therefore, it is time for you to bless your ancestors for it follows you. But these unresolved issues of the past will gift themselves in this lifetime as your own, it will disguise itself, and you will accept it as your own, bringing it into your reality, buying into it as your own - the moods and behaviour traits, the disease of cancer, alcoholism, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and so on, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can release the ancestral karma of your past, held within your core soul and in the Dna at any time when you are ready and willing to get off that merry-go-round.

2. Mass Consciousness - Human mass consciousness can be either high or low. It reflects the stage of evolutionary increase each private is at, as well as the widespread mass consciousness. vigor responds to consciousness so the level that the world is at refers to the level of truth, wisdom, acceptance, comprehension and awareness - it is the widespread 'boxed-in' belief system or overlays that the masses are at. It reflects the widespread collective majority of the private who is presently at this similar level of awareness. Consciousness is the enlightened awareness and understood wisdom and level of truth that you can come to be who you are now straight through your dualistic past experiences. It is the potential of your future, based on the scenarios of where you have come from and where you will go and who you can become, brought together and expressed in the now-moment.

With the affects from your ancestral legacy factors as well as the conditions of mass consciousness you can de facto construct an overloaded stressful attitude. Due to conformities, controls and restrictions you feel that there are too many pressures and demands for you to cope with. You can pick how much work you want to do, how much you want to carry, how much you want to worry about something that may not even happen. Stresses and struggling over the 'high shifting sand dunes of life' is a resistance, by not accepting a situation - and resistance brings 'pain'. At your core level you can cope all things that comes to you, as it is attracted to you for you to release that stuck energy. Do you comprehend that you never give yourself a task or load to bear that you cannot carry?

Learn to feel and then think covering the box. It does not matter if your journey is slow and sometimes it may feel heavy, but you are here to carry your load, your corporal body, the home of your soul and to do the work yourself. You cannot learn and grow if you are dependent, for nothing and nobody covering of yourself can do the work for you. Yes, there will be others who will love and keep you, but it is your choice, free will and responsibility to be ready and willing to tackle this journey.