Saturday, April 21, 2012

Suffering Hardship Issues - issue legacy Factors and Mass Consciousness Burdens - Part 1

When a person has a challenge in their life they find it difficult to look at themselves as the originator of that issue. It is easier and less painful at the time to blame person else for their misery so they bury their past experiences because when they cannot see it, hear it, feel it, smell it or touch it, it cannot be proven, so it is not real - so they think! After many repetitive suffering experiences, a dust storm blows straight through their reality to locate what they have hidden, to expose the stuck vigor that they have ignored for so long.

Cancer Awareness

The short term pain still persists - it has been hidden, but that pain seeks resolution and freedom, so the storms of life locate the façade, it exposes the naked issue and this brings in a sudden gust of anxiety, knowing that you are still burdened with a heavy overload. You feel that you are stuck in the past and the past becomes your time to come once again. You feel that you are weighed down and encumbered by conflicting, restricted controls and limitations. You feel that you are fighting, striving, controlling and struggling from life's disappointments, setbacks, failures and hardships. These tiring conditions only bring more suffering and an incredible grim future. If you pick to take on board the old traveller's story of the past, you would de facto act out that same story.

Your traveller's story has 2 influences:

1. Ancestral Karma
2. Mass Consciousness

Let's take a look at these influences

1. Ancestral Karma - Your ancestral karma or legacy factors are your family lineage. Earth is the classroom for learning- it is the sandpit for experiencing dualistic opposites. Sense is a hard teacher, it gives the test first and the episode afterwards, for an Sense is not fully understood until it is experienced! Any Sense that occurs without resolution and without comprehension and accepting the lessons or without finding the gift within that experience, will continue to repeat itself until your consciousness expands beyond that level of creating immoral or limiting events. It is known as karma or cause and effect. The nature of karma is just a responsibility of the soul, it is stuck vigor that is held within an issue or event, either it is personal, ancestral or angelic that has not resolved itself. All vigor seeks resolution. Stuck vigor comes back because vigor is self-seeking, and it wants to move on, to be addressed and released. It needs assistance to be resolved and set free for its own evolution and freedom. There are many types of karma, but the beliefs from your past are about your ancestral karma, your legacy factors of your family lineage. vigor is blocked and stuck due to an Sense that has produced a wound, a belief in a sin, or inheriting a karmic pattern, hiding itself deep within the murky waters, and clothing itself with a masquerade story in this life time, putting on a façade to appear in many separate ways.

Past life karma, ancestral karma or legacy factors are just aspects of yourself, they are stories carried out in a separate reality and dimension, lived out in a masquerade game of playing hide and seek in earth's dualistic sandpit. Each one, known as a soul aspect is created by your soul, playing separate games and experiences, finding out what it was like to love and to hate, to steal or to give and receive, to feel worthy or unworthy, to be abundant and in lack and to be healthy or sick and so on.

These are unresolved personal karma issues from you, this family lineage your inherited bloodline, held within your Dna. These vigor attributes are passed down from generation to generation, that comes from your family tree. You are your great, great, grandparent, the blood line of your past life line, for most times you will stay in the same blood line, your family tree, to come back to decide it energies, unless you come to be an highly enlightened soul or a very angry soul to convert your blood line. Therefore, it is time for you to bless your ancestors for it follows you. But these unresolved issues of the past will gift themselves in this lifetime as your own, it will disguise itself, and you will accept it as your own, bringing it into your reality, buying into it as your own - the moods and behaviour traits, the disease of cancer, alcoholism, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and so on, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can release the ancestral karma of your past, held within your core soul and in the Dna at any time when you are ready and willing to get off that merry-go-round.

2. Mass Consciousness - Human mass consciousness can be either high or low. It reflects the stage of evolutionary increase each private is at, as well as the widespread mass consciousness. vigor responds to consciousness so the level that the world is at refers to the level of truth, wisdom, acceptance, comprehension and awareness - it is the widespread 'boxed-in' belief system or overlays that the masses are at. It reflects the widespread collective majority of the private who is presently at this similar level of awareness. Consciousness is the enlightened awareness and understood wisdom and level of truth that you can come to be who you are now straight through your dualistic past experiences. It is the potential of your future, based on the scenarios of where you have come from and where you will go and who you can become, brought together and expressed in the now-moment.

With the affects from your ancestral legacy factors as well as the conditions of mass consciousness you can de facto construct an overloaded stressful attitude. Due to conformities, controls and restrictions you feel that there are too many pressures and demands for you to cope with. You can pick how much work you want to do, how much you want to carry, how much you want to worry about something that may not even happen. Stresses and struggling over the 'high shifting sand dunes of life' is a resistance, by not accepting a situation - and resistance brings 'pain'. At your core level you can cope all things that comes to you, as it is attracted to you for you to release that stuck energy. Do you comprehend that you never give yourself a task or load to bear that you cannot carry?

Learn to feel and then think covering the box. It does not matter if your journey is slow and sometimes it may feel heavy, but you are here to carry your load, your corporal body, the home of your soul and to do the work yourself. You cannot learn and grow if you are dependent, for nothing and nobody covering of yourself can do the work for you. Yes, there will be others who will love and keep you, but it is your choice, free will and responsibility to be ready and willing to tackle this journey.

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