Sunday, April 8, 2012

Transition Blanket

I created a Transition Blanket in making ready for my father's imminent death. To this day, this sacred object continues to bestow life-altering blessings on my entire family. I'm convinced that this divinely inspired gift is meant to reach far beyond my own house after witnessing what this blanket did not only for my gather, but for all who experienced its healing power. This is the story of how the first Transition Blanket came into being, and the powerful impact it had on everybody it touched.

Ribbon Colors For Cancer Awareness

When my father died, he died with an expression of horror frozen on his face. His eyes bulged; a mask of stark terror twisted his visage as his final breath escaped- a deeply distressing image that haunted all of us who witnessed his passage. My stepmother right away succumbed to a wrenching fear that something awful had just happened to her favorite husband on the Other Side and that he was now trapped in a terrible place, for eternity. She was inconsolably distraught.

In my own heart, I knew how much my father had all the time dreaded death and his extreme passage into unknown realms. Once this definite moment was upon him, it was impossible for Dad to conceal his terror any longer. I felt definite what we'd seen on my father's face was simply a lifetime of fear at last releasing itself; though realizing this brought slight solace. I, too, felt overwhelmed at this moment, imagining what the future would be like as I struggled to make peace with this final horrific scene, and somehow bring ease to my house in the days and years ahead.

The Transition Blanket proved to be the kind purveyor of the compel and ease we all needed to find. Its miraculous powers soon transformed our family's caress from one of tragedy and suffering into an caress of profound healing and peaceful acceptance. Yet this miracle, like this very extra blanket, took a while to unfold... Our extreme opportunity to the definite death process may laid out one of life's richest experiences. In fact, old Tibetan traditions teach that death is life's most prominent event. One's own impending death, or the death of a loved one, holds great possible for shifting priorities and reframing relationships more profoundly than any other earthly event. Renewed and reshaped perceptions have the power to alter both physical and non-physical realities in surprising ways that can conduce enormously toward an aware and awakened life. Yet the looming sense of loss and finality that fills the heart and mind as death approaches can precipitate either great healing or emotionally devastating results. Death becomes the specialist instructor while such deeply transformational times. And so it was for my family...

I have spent my entire adult life in a vocation of service, helping habitancy in difficult life situations. As a licensed psychologist, I've worked with thousands of individuals over the years. I am a seasoned alternative healer as well, primarily in shamanic practices, having received formal training and intense personel study from powerful treatment people. I teach shamanic classes on death and dying. I'm a certified Reiki specialist and have been actively merging my shamanic training with Reiki disciplines for ten years. Yet none of this whole caress had fully prepared me for this time when I would be called to usher my own house straight through the gates.

I felt an remarkable personal sorrow about soon losing all physical association with my dying father. We lived thousands of miles apart. Knowing I could help him in so many ways, if we lived closer left me frustrated and longing for deeper connection. I called upon the spirits and other kind energies for assistance, as is my shamanic way.

It is impossible to fully illustrate the spiritual beliefs I hold, or the nature of my personal interactions with the divine realm, in the scope of this brief article, yet I must offer at least a slight background so you can better understand the constant sources of my inspiration, and how the Transition Blanket finally came to be.

Whether we're aware of it or not, an unfathomable reserved supply of wisdom and love, in many forms, exists just beyond what we know as our reality. This other universe is ordinarily called non-ordinary reality. In this parallel realm, all is possible. Non-ordinary reality is the place to which a shaman journeys in an altered state to get information from the spirit helpers. Reiki is also sourced from this sphere.

Keenly aware of my human limitations, I often journey out to ask my wise spirit helpers and guides for guidance and assistance. Now I asked the spirits to teach me how I might best serve my father in spite of the physical length in the middle of us. while this remarkable journey, not only did my trusted allies show me powerful ways to support my elders, but they also tended my own grieving heart in the most loving and intimate way. I emerged with a clear sense of purpose and renewed reliance that all would be well as soon as I followed the detailed guidance I was given. The spirits were of course answering my urgent needs, but it also felt like they were using me to "birth" yet other powerful healing formula into commonplace reality, a formula I would soon feel compelled to share with others. They were teaching me how to create a beautiful transition caress for my father, which included something I didn't yet understand... A Transition Blanket!

The first task my spirit helpers assigned me was to explore and define what I personally believed about the death process. They wanted me to tell how my Western culture had prepared me, or not prepared me, for the eventuality of a loved one's death.

I was shocked by what I discovered. While my own unusual path of exploration and studying in case,granted m with powerful beliefs and intricate road maps for navigating straight through the end-of-life experience, Western culture, in general, essentially ignores this entire "uncomfortable" subject. Fixated on perpetual youth and feel-good-now pursuits, Western culture acts as if death will never come.

It became painfully clear how ill-informed and ill-prepared our community is for the ineffable end-of-life event that will of course touch us all. In this fast-moving culture where elders are often pushed aside, viewed as burdens rather than costly reservoirs of wisdom, the old rituals and ceremonies that truly honor aging, and the sacred transition to the afterlife, have all but disappeared. Is it of course any wonder we feel shocked, and lost, and utterly terrified when Death's hard knuckles finally wrap upon our door?

My own father was one of these lost and terrified habitancy now, facing the most profound, unknown caress of his life. Like so many others, Dad's natural fear of the unknown was magnified because he had so slight real knowledge about where he was going or how he was supposed to get there.

In my many years of counseling and death work, I've noticed that those who've led an essentially "unexamined life" seem to caress far greater anxiety and suffering as death approaches. They find themselves without any meaningful way to tell to the life they've lived, or to the great strangeness that now unfolds before them. Their end-of-life struggle and obscuring creates Huge emotional distress, and their exit, which could be and should be an elegantly peaceful process, is severely hampered. What a terrible travesty this is!

Unfortunately, "pat" religious dogma that often preempts personal questioning and introspection can never substitute for a gentle, truly meaningful, and deeply explored caress when the end of life draws near. Unsupported by old beliefs, the powerful death rituals and ceremonies that once safely guided our forbears into the afterlife, how might we better put in order our "modern" selves for this definite end-of-life experience? What can we expect and what should we believe? Where is our roadmap? perhaps the Transition Blanket had come to show us the way...

I hardly knew where to begin, but enduring love for my father held my feet to the sacred fire. I was supposed to create some kind of "transition blanket." But beyond this, what exactly was I thinkable, to do? If I truly intended to help my father, I needed to act Now.

Long aware that our beliefs finally create our reality, it was time for me to carefully tell my own beliefs about the death process, just as the spirits had already advised. I needed to recognize which of "my beliefs" were of course borrowed, and which were of course mine. This would help me explore and discard any old, outmoded beliefs that now stood in my way. It was a daunting but important task if I hoped to offer my father a peaceful transition.

My head swirled with endless questions. Even with "freshly cleaned" beliefs, even if I were allowed to unravel the death strangeness for myself, would my personal discoveries of course translate to help others with very distinct beliefs? (like my own father, for example!) Could my intense desire to help him, along with some kind of "mystery blanket" of course bridge the huge gap in the middle of our personal beliefs about death and the afterlife... Could a Transition Blanket somehow bring both ends of my father's life circle gracefully back together again? Was there still sufficient time to find out?

In my father's final moments, did I need to visualize my version of what the afterlife promised, or his? What exactly does my father believe about death anyway? An uncomfortable subject, to be sure! Like most families, we'd never of course talked about it, and I'd never bothered to ask. How could I ever develop a allowable Transition Blanket for him, or create a ceremony that would truly support his transition caress if I didn't know these answers? Floundering in an endless sea of questions, I decided to seek more guidance from my trusted spirit helpers.

As I journeyed this time, a strange calm came over me and a plan suddenly emerged. A whole tapestry of death transition teachings already existed for me- threads of clarity woven throughout the varied faiths of the world. I could look there for my answers!

There was no time to waste. I was already customary with Methodist and Baptist versions of Christian religious doctrine from my childhood, though I'd left this path many years before. Now my reliance ideas is steeped in the Lakota traditions, though I'm not a traditionalist by any stretch of the imagination. I began researching the death transition practices from many other cultures of the world.

The common thread unifying all these variant versions of the death transition all the time led the soul into a new existence. However, in these other traditions, without exception, each personel was carefully prepared in advance, receiving clearly defined information about the exact actions important to achieve a thriving transition to the afterlife. Somehow, this important piece was missing from "modern" Western culture's puzzle and many souls were now paying the agonizing price.

For some unexplained reason, I suddenly found myself pondering the biblical opinion that "wherever two or more are gathered" there is compel and power. Aha! perhaps believing is the prominent part -- maybe the "details" of what we believe of course don't matter much at all. In the final analysis, could it be that the generic power of believing (in anything!) supplies all the energy the human consciousness needs to flee the physical body and fuel the soul's journey to the "believed in" afterlife? Wherever two or more are gathered. Propelled by the loving support of others who of course care about us, no matter what their personal beliefs- could this extra fuel ease and speed our death transition process? These sudden insights landed like rock-solid truth in the middle of my being- I was onto something here... I could feel it!

My new insight indicated that no single spiritual reliance ideas is first-rate to any other. It also recommend that we might very well continue to succeed our own truth, anything it is, even after we die.

I was ecstatic! Oh, we are all such magnificent beings, filled with such thinkable, eternal power... But how of course we forget!

Hungry for even deeper insight now, I journeyed again and again. With each journey, I discussed other layer of my feelings and my intense desire to furnish powerful transition support for my father. My spirit helpers were eager to actively partake in this process. They confirmed that there is, indeed, a sacred making ready for each soul, to help it on its way. I learned that allowable care of the soul is important for well being both here on the earth plane and in the afterlife. To my delight, the spirits were now willing to teach me this transition preparation!

During subsequent journeys, varied spirit helpers presented themselves. They were eager to furnish help not only for my own house members, but for humankind in general. I've found this to be true at other times in my work as well. That the benevolent spirits of non-ordinary reality are just itching for humankind to seek their guidance and ask the exact questions. They can finally offer us the techniques, the ceremonies, the rituals that will help us, as a nation of human beings, to take better energetic care of ourselves. This is of course why they had been instructing me to make a Transition Blanket for my father. Now I was finally ready to do it!

My spirit helpers told me to buy blanket material and to sew small objects on the blanket, objects that I would imbue with power in shamanic terms, "imbue" indicates the act of "blowing power into" an object). I bought some beautiful woolen blanket material at the Pendleton Woolen Store and sewed a rich binding nearby the borders. I made it a manageable size so a sick person could of course carry it to cover himself or herself as they lay in bed, rested in a chair, or stretched out on a couch in front of the Tv.

With each step of construction, I journeyed again, request for additional information about the objects I should use for my father's blanket. I was given any options and decided to make four red prayer tie bundles in the Lakota way. My spirit helpers told me that each bundle was to hold distinct information- power objects, spiritual helpers, and Reiki symbols. Each time I was given new information, I brought this information back from non-ordinary reality into commonplace reality by holding my intention and then of course blowing this energy into the personel objects as I ended my journey.

Once imbued with power, the object now contained the specific prayers, spiritual helpers, Reiki symbols, etc. Is tied onto the blanket. Even though the imbuing process seems to be directed toward the objects, the entire blanket soon becomes imbued with love and healing power. When the dying personel lies under the Transition Blanket, the Reiki symbols and spirits right away become activated (as the recipient might soon report!)

With my father's Transition Blanket, the first spirits to take form and activity were the Spirits of extraction and the Reiki Usui power symbol. They entered the first object I made. These single spirits start a clearing process, removed any foreign energy that might intrude into a person's natural (authentic) energy system. Such intrusive energies are harmful to a person, causing hardship because of their low vibratory frequency. These harmful energies include fear, doubt, anxiety, worry, sadness, and other low frequency emotions. The extraction process allows a person's energy ideas to quickly return to its pure radiant, magnificent nature- the top vibration frequency, which is most natural for this single soul. This right away restores balance to the person on an energetic level. What a profound blessing for person whose body is so gravely ill!

The second object attached to my father's blanket contained the Spirits of Soul Retrieval and the Reiki length Symbol. These spirits bring back lost soul parts or any divine essence a person may have lost throughout their lifetime. Soul retrieval restores the person in the most sacred way, so that when the soul begins its next journey outside of the body it will do so in its most intact and perfect form. The Reiki length sticker facilitates the soul retrieval process. By interfacing with these benevolent spirits, lost soul parts or divine essence can far more of course find its way back home to the former host as they rest under the cozy warmth of their Transition Blanket. The qualities of calmness, serenity, peace, joy, trust, and knowingness will also return, for these are the natural feelings of wholeness every intact soul enjoys.

I then imbued the third object with the specialist Healers and the Reiki specialist Symbols, opportunity the channels to the Universal Life Force of unconditional love. any of these single symbols and spirits will also help with pain discount and inspire feelings of well-being no matter how difficult the last "physical" days may become.

The final object held the spirit helpers of Transition and Psycho Pomp (a Greek word for taking souls to the light) and the Reiki length Symbol. The length sticker activates what I call the angels (spirits) of transition. These angels escort the soul after it lifts from the body. They midwife the soul to the other side, to heaven or the equivalent realm, agreeing to that individual's personal beliefs.

All of these sacred symbols can be activated into greater compel by saying or drawing the sticker each time the person lies under the blanket. But if the recipient is not a Reiki practitioner or even aware of Reiki or shamanism, love and power will still be activated simply by the presence of a body form lying under the blanket.

Many other small objects could be used on a blanket to hold spiritual power. One might sew on strips of cloth, feathers, beads, or ribbons, draw pictures of power allies on fabric, later attaching these to the blanket. Shamanic journeys and information from your allies will offer your best guidance about this. Let your intuition inspire you. The spirits are all the time eager to help their human relatives!

The Transition Blanket, now fully imbued with spirit helpers and Reiki symbols, will protect the personel both in this world and the next. As an personel lies under the blanket, all the spirit helpers will be activated and working with the personel energetically (except the transition helpers, which will start only once, at the actual moment of death). The feelings and energies that an personel receives from the blanket should be exceptional. But remember- as with any spiritual healing being offered to another, all the time ask their permission first and never assume they would want help such as this.

I tried the blanket myself before I mailed it off to my father and I loved it! I could feel the power pouring from it. When Dad received his Transition Blanket, he was in stage four of esophageal cancer. He experienced immediate discount in his pain level whenever he located the blanket over himself. He told me it brought him peace and he could feel my love.

I spoke approximately daily with Dad by phone. After he received the blanket he often mentioned the effects it had on him. He said, "I feel so much better. I have less pain. It makes me feel good. I feel your love. I feel more at peace. It calms me." In fact my step-mom soon refused to leave Dad alone in the house unless he had his extra blanket nearby, because she knew if things got bad while she was gone, he'd have it as a ready reserved supply for instant help and pain management.

Since my Dad had no prior caress with energetic healing of any kind, his words couldn't of course reflect what was happening to him energetically. The balancing (I feel better), the extraction of fear (it brings me peace), the soul pieces returning to him (I feel love, it makes me feel better) were all clear signs that the healing spirits and Reiki energies were working powerfully with him. What I took for granted and knew to be happening on an energetic level, my father was expressing in his own beautifully simple way.

I earnestly believe the Transition Blanket prepared my father well for his transition. while his illness, he managed his fear and showed remarkable life vitality. He barely seemed ill just a week before he died His voice, color, and personality were strong approximately to the end. I believe this was all a gift from the blanket. When Dad's time finally came, he crossed over quickly. I remain convinced that the final horror that swept over his face in those last moments was just the dread he felt about his imminent "life review" (or as he would say, "His Judgment Day"). perhaps we'll all tremble a bit when it's our turn to have every "shortcoming" pointed out, one by one?

I was instructed to keep the Transition Blanket over person for four hours after death. For a person to "die in a good way" the time after passing shouldn't be rushed. Four is a sacred number to the Lakota and this number of time gives the soul time to transition. The number four reflects the four elements of earth, fire, air and water, and the four seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall. The four elements of earth, fire, air and water contained in the physical body must also transition. This, too, takes time.

If prayer ties are used on a Transition Blanket these ties should be removed from the blanket so they can be burned or buried with the body once the death process is complete. The blanket can then become a house heirloom, perhaps to be used again when other house members are ready to transition. The Reiki symbols and spirit helpers will reunite you quickly with loved ones on the Other Side!

At the time of my father's death, all that I had been taught by the helping spirits proved true. His Transition Blanket was pulled over his body and face, where it remained for the next four hours. We all breathed a sigh of relief when the blanket mercifully concealed Dad's horrified expression.

After the designated number of time, my father was uncovered. As the blanket was pulled back, we were shocked by what we saw. Dad's face was now thoroughly serene, relaxed and peaceful with a slight smile on his lips. My stepmother fell to the floor in weeping gratitude. I have witnessed many miracles in my life but this one tops the list.

Looking back just four hours, I wondered if the spirits had orchestrated this profound convert of my father's expression just to awaken my family. So much remains a mystery.

This sacred blanket served us all miraculously and still brings daily compel and ease to my stepmother. With the blanket nearby, my step-mom feels strongly associated to my Dad and well-protected by the spirits. In fact, she sleeps with it every night!

The Transition Blanket did far more than anything expected. Also making ready my father for his transition and next incarnation, the healing energy of the blanket touched each of us in the most profound and personal way. It seems as though the spirits and Reiki energy knew exactly what each of us needed and in case,granted personel healings for all of us as well. This magical blanket of course proved itself to my stepmother and my sisters! The tangible evidence we received quickly erased any doubts about the power of a Transition Blanket.

My intuitive guess is that a Transition Blanket will likely yield distinct experiences for each person it serves. kind spirits and Reiki energies know of course what to do in every situation. Quite literally, we can trust them with our lives!

By sharing this story, my extreme intention is fulfilled- to make the powerful opinion of a "transition blanket" available to everybody who wants it. How you select to apply this information is left to you, and the guidance of Universal Love.

The first Transition Blanket brought my father peace when he needed it most. It brings me peace now. May it do the same for you and everybody you cherish. I ask you to put in order for the inevitable, for of course it will come. As my own house learned, mindful making ready can quickly transmute fear into faith, worry into compassion, and anxiety into peace. This is apparently the sacred mission of the Transition Blanket. Is there any greater parting gift to wrap nearby person we love?

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