Sunday, April 29, 2012

Is Insomnia Harming Your Immune System?

I recently heard a celebrity physician say seven hours of sleep per night is ideal and if we get more than that we are shortening our life spans. Then, this week I read an article in a health journal advising eight hours of sleep for optimal health. Obviously there are conflicting viewpoints about how much sleep will help us heal, remain healthy, and possibly extend our lives.

Cancer Awareness

Some habitancy can get six to seven hours of sleep, apparently function well all day, and continue on without fatigue, while others feel tired, looked tired, are foggy-minded, and generally irritable after the same amount. It is the latter group that needs to be aware of their own well-being, because these are the ones who will first come down with a cold or flu, their body unable to fully recuperate straight through sleep.

By knowing and honoring our own ideal sleep rhythm, we are great qualified to remain salutary and avoid not only infections that might be going around, but more serious diseases. Stanford University psychiatrist David Spiegel, Md, reviewed studies and noted a correlation between sleep-regulated hormones melatonin and cortisol, and cancer. Cortisol helps regulate the immune system response, while melatonin may have an antioxidant ensue on cells, which can preclude the damage that can lead to cancer.

There are several other links between sleep deprivation and immunity, so what are we to do if we know we aren't getting the sleep we need? It's helpful to begin with a few basic questions about your own true "sleep nature."

Think back to when you were a child and remind yourself of your own sleep cycle. On weekends, would you stay up late and sleep in the next day? Or were you falling asleep in front of the television by 9:00 and waking early the following morning? Many of us have had to convert our true sleep rhythm in order to get along in life, and it's worth getting in touch with it again.

Are you at your best while the day if you go to bed by 10:00pm, or, can you stay up past midnight and feel great the next day?
If given a choice, would you rise with the sun or sleep late into the morning?
Is your power highest in the morning? Or does it increase in the evening?
How sensitive are you to judgment around sleep patterns? For example, do you hear commentary from a society that says you should not be ready for bed as early as 9:00pm, but you shouldn't stay in bed very late in the morning either?
Do you like to take naps?
Do you like to be up doing things in the middle of the night?
At what time while the day do you get a lull in your energy?

Becoming more well-known with your personal sleep nature can help you accept the way your own body wants to rest. And it does want to rest, very deeply, because this is when it heals itself, rejuvenates and recharges, and mends what needs mending. I believe the best, most renewing sleep happens when you are in sync and mindful of your natural sleep traits, the ones that truly suits you. possibly it is easy to lose sight of what they are because of the structured work and school day. But if you've had lowered immunity, it's completely allowable to adjust your schedule to honor yourself and your rhythm.

There are many holistic ways to get to sleep without the use of drugs and other artificial methods. The following suggestions have worked for many people, even while times of intense stress.

• Be sure to get enough magnesium and calcium, in allowable balance, straight through a source or supplement that is food-based, not synthetic. This will help calm your nervous system.
• L-theanine is an amino acid that calms the mind. Studies have shown it to help habitancy sleep better, if not requisite longer.
• Adaptogens such as ashwaganda help reduce cortisol levels to lessen stress and help you sleep. I would get this straight through a licensed practitioner so the right dose can be considered for you.
• Calms Forte is a homeopathic remedy that can help calm the nerves and induce sleep without the heavy feeling of sleeping pills. It can be found in any natural food store.
• Drink chamomile tea in the evening.
• Walk daily, if only for 20-minutes.
• Avoid caffeine while the day, or drink green tea, but only in the mornings.
• Calm your mind and spirit in the evenings by turning off the computer, telephone, and television at least an hour before bedtime.
• Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
• At the end of the day, write down your thoughts, feelings, worries, and concerns to get them out of your head and down on paper.
• Clear your bedroom of clutter, together with computers and electronics.
• remove papers and extra books from your nightstand.
• Stop answering the phone or having attractive conversations in the evenings if it activates your mind too much.
• Meditate before bed or read a novel to relax and clear your mind from the day.

If you still don't sleep well straight through the night after you have tried these, see an acupuncturist, herbalist, naturopath, homeopath, or holistic practitioner to assist you so you can come back into balance, sleep soundly, and keep your immunity strong.

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