Thursday, April 12, 2012

Go Pink and support Breast Cancer Survivors!

Breast cancer affects one in eight women in the Us. In 2010 alone, a quarter of a million women were diagnosed with this type of cancer. Twenty-five percent of those women will die. But grim statistics don't tell the whole tale. There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic, and plenty of ways to show your optimism!

Ribbon Colors For Cancer Awareness

That's why this October its time to reserve the cause. Breast cancer awareness and explore lead to longer lives for your friends and family, and that's worth supporting!

So how can you help with breast cancer awareness? How can you help save lives?

The most prominent thing you can do is just to talk about breast cancer. Amazingly, many women still don't seek screening and thus do not get medicine soon enough. These women indeed have lower survival rates.

What else can you do? Go pink! Today the pink ribbon and the color pink is universally related with breast cancer. When you wear breast cancer pins or pink ribbon charms or pink bracelets or anyone you choose, you're reminding habitancy that there's hope. You're reminding habitancy that it's inherent to save lives, and that it's their accountability to help save lives. You're prominent the way by taking that accountability on yourself: suggesting, asking, imploring, and shaming others into following your lead.

You don't need to put on a pink ribbon every day to create awareness. A great way to create awareness is to put the pink ribbon directly on stuff that you use every day, so you know it will all the time be there: your grocery totes, coffee mugs, jogging caps and backpacks can all "wear" the pink ribbon all the time.

When you show your awareness and motivate others to do so, you've taken the first step. The next step is to reserve explore and medicine programs.

So how can you reserve the cause? How can you save even more lives?

This October is breast cancer awareness month and it's a great opportunity to growth both awareness and funding for the cause. Hundreds of events are happening colse to the world, from the "Avon Walk For Breast Cancer" to "Wear It Pink Day" in the Uk, you can share in events that help save lives.

Walkathons bring in millions of dollars for breast cancer explore and for reserve for victims. But if walking isn't your thing, there are many activities where you can participate, from golfing to swimming to biking.

Better yet, if you can't find the right operation for you, you can institute your own! It's not too late to get an event up and running this year. Put one together. Challenge habitancy to do something fun. Take the lead and save lives! anyone you conclude to do: Go Pink!

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